articles of interest - Dec 5


How eSports are pioneering new media models  Digiday


I Swear to God This Is a Real Graph From Thomas Friedman's Latest Book  Gizmodo

Netflix will let you download video to go, but not movies and shows from Disney  Recode

Radio, Music and Technology: It’s Been a Long Strange Trip  A Journey of Musical Things


While We Weren’t Looking, Snapchat Revolutionized Social Networks  NYTimes


Forgotten audio formats: Wire recording  Ars Technica


Can Advertising Be a Science?  Jstor

Digital publications are thriving in Europe where legacy media is weak  Poynter


How Machine Learning may transform medicine: A Google algorithm can see a common eye disease as good as many experts  Technology Review

Co.'s are using Big Data to give a fuller picture of China’s economic life using digital economic gauges  Bloomberg

Data firm in talks for role in White House messaging – and Trump business  The Guardian

The promise/challenge of healthcare Big Data: drug discovery/getting the right treatments to the right patients  Harvard Business Review

China turns Big Data into Big Brother: Wants to assign scores for eligibility on everything from loans to education  Technology Review

The failure to ID fake news may not be the result of faulty machine learning algorithms  Data Science Central

Big data is coming in faster than biomedical researchers can process it and scientists can make sense of it  NPR


You tell me that it’s evolution? Scientists have reached no consensus on the origins of language  Economist


Reading Literature Won’t Give You Superpowers: Psychologists have failed to replicate a famous study suggesting that short fiction improves readers’ abilities to read the emotional states of others  The Atlantic

A Virginia School District Has Banned "To Kill a Mockingbird"  Esquire

The 10 Best Books of 2016 - The New York Times

My Passion for Literature Succumbed to Reality  New York Times


Why research papers have so many authors  Economist

Ten simple rules for structuring papers  bioRxiv

Detecting and avoiding likely false-positive findings – a practical guide  Wiley Online Library


How To Find A Writing Group, Because Every Aspiring Author Needs A Support Group  Bustle

The Death of Cursive Writing  Chronicle of Higher Ed


New book argues that sometimes faculty members of color going up for tenure are judged by a higher standard than are their white peers  Inside Higher Ed

Here’s a Rundown of the Latest Campus-Climate Incidents Since Trump’s Election  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Rosa Parks and the Power of Oneness  Jstor

The non-verdict of the police officer who killed Walter Scott is a national embarrassment (opinion)  Vox


Trump takes aim at First Amendment  CNN

Campus Press vs. Colleges: Kentucky Suit Highlights Free-Speech Fight (An associate professor had been accused of groping students, and the college had permitted him to leave quietly)  New York Times

An FBI Error Opens A Window Into Government Demands For Private Info   FiveThirtyEight

Free-Speech Groups Describe Campus Media as Besieged  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Online law degrees flourish under tight supervision: Hybrid courses offer face-to-face and internet-enabled classes  Financial Times

Photographer Sues VICE for Unauthorized Use of Expectant Couple  PDN Pulse

Art Bell and Michael Savage, radio hosts, at opposite ends of federal defamation suit  Washington Times

Lawyer sues 20-year-old student who gave a bad Yelp review, loses badly Ars Technica

U.S. top court takes Christian-affiliated hospital pension case  Religion News Service

Intellectual Property Problems at Universities: The public at large suffers when institutions spend time and money locking down too many private rights  Inside Higher Ed

Court punts Kansas social-media expulsion case: Where does a public university's authority to regulate what students say on social media during off-campus personal time begin and end?  Student Press Law Center

CBS Sues YouTuber for Posting Episodes of 'The Andy Griffith Show'  Hollywood Reporter

Duran Duran Loses Case, Brought In Britain, Over American Copyrights  Billboard


14 of the best films of the 21st century, ranked by historical accuracy  Quartz


The Evangelicalism of Old White Men Is Dead (opinion by Tony Campolo)  New York Times

Amy Grant Reveals Why She Doesn't Want to Be Labeled a 'Christian' Artist  Gospel Herald

Christian Refugees Fleeing ISIS Grounds Flock To Parish Of Jordan Priest  NPR

Amy Grant lives her life by two rules: Love God and love everybody else no matter what Fox News

I Think I Lost My Faith. How Do I Get Out Of My Office Bible Study?   FiveThirtyEight

U.S. top court takes Christian-affiliated hospital pension case  Religion News Service

If the U.S. had 100 people: Charting Americans’ religious beliefs and practices  Pew Research

2016 Philanthropy Trends: Americans Donate Record $373 Billion  NPR

Georgia Baptists urge crackdown on illegal immigration   Baptist News


How One Composer Turns Science Into Serious Drama  Wired


The failure to ID fake news may not be the result of faulty Machine Learning Algorithms  Data Science Central

Protecting Journalism from Donald Trump  The New Yorker

Journalists in the age of Trump: Lose the smugness, keep the mission  Washington Post

Washington Post Editor Marty Baron Has a Message to Journalists in the Trump Era  Vanity Fair

How to engage readers with digital longform journalism  American Press Institute


How The San Francisco Chronicle rebuilt its investigative team  Poynter

Investigative journalism is hard work. Spotlight shows why it's so important Vox

Ida Tarbell: A pioneer in document-driven investigative journalism  iNewsSource


Fake news almost destroyed Abraham Lincoln  Quartz

To Fix Fake News, Look To Yellow Journalism  Jstor

A Browser Extension That Shows You Your Filter Bubble  New York Magazine

Fake news crackdown threatens religious news  Religion News Service

Why Snapchat And Apple Don't Have A Fake News Problem  BuzzFeed News

Four Hard Truths about Fake News  Jstor


Activists Think the FCC's Broadcast Spectrum Auction Could Save Local Journalism  Vice

Politico co-founder’s new media startup is eyeing $10,000 subscriptions — eventually  Recode

Voice of San Diego is spearheading a team to help other smaller news outlets build membership programs  Harvard's Nieman Lab


Student Press Under Pressure: A new report finds that university administrators aim to intimidate and censor content of student news organizations, violating basic principles of press freedom  Inside Higher Ed

Standoff between student newspaper and Sac State may leave Hornet homeless Sacramento Bee

Media organizations release report revealing threats to student journalism  Daily Cal

More on covering student suicides: how students at OU reported a student death that everyone is saying was a suicide, with no official confirmation  OU Daily

Who Still Lives at Home with Their Parents?  Priceonomics


The Trump Bros Have Found Their Safe Space (white male college students who supported Donald J. Trump)  BuzzFeed News

San Diego State University report: A third of community-college students face housing insecurity, and upward of 10 percent face food insecurity  CCEA Lab


Flossing and the Art of Scientific Investigation  New York Times


Artificial Intelligence Could Dig Up Cures Buried Online  Wired

The promise/challenge of healthcare Big Data: drug discovery/getting the right treatments to the right patients  Harvard Business Review

The true story of America’s sky-high prescription drug prices  Vox

Diabetics are hacking their health, because traditional systems have failed them  Tech Republic


What your brain looks like on God: spiritual experience triggers same areas as sex and gambling  Telegraph


Want to Be an Ethical Shopper? Get DoneGood’s Chrome Extension  Wired


We are actors in a play  Becoming (my blog) 


University hit by Ransomware: Network crippled by extortion software  The Register  

The ‘Computerless’ Computer Lab: After realizing virtually all students bring their own laptops to campus, Wisconsin liberal arts college opened an unorthodox computer lab  Inside Higher Ed

Liberty issues tone-deaf statement after hiring new athletic director  USA Today

Christian University offers internships with Planned Parenthood  Star Telegram

Can a Christian school be both ethical and athletic? Liberty raises the question again  Washington Post

University student gets a zero because her art project violated dress code  BongBong

Catholic college leaders pledge solidarity with undocumented students  Washington Post


Resisting the Post-Thanksgiving Doldrums  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Campus police reflect on dangers of the job  Inside Higher Ed

Student suspect arrested in fatal stabbing of USC professor on campus  LA Times


UVA dean Nicole Eramo "vindicated" but not "healed" after Rolling Stone story  CBS News