Articles of Interest


The uniquely American appeal of Donald Trump’s favorite insult: You're not an extrovert  Washington Post

Does Your College Student Have a Problem with Addiction? (Steps parents can take to identify & treat drug and alcohol problems)  Psychology Today

What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team (New research reveals surprising truths about why some work groups thrive and others falter)  New York Times


Beam Me Up, Scotty? Turns Out Your Brain Is Ready For Teleportation  NPR

A Year Ago, The Dress Murdered the Idea of Objective Color  Wired


Dear Immanuel — Kant Gives Love Advice to a Heartbroken Young Woman (1791)  Open Culture


How Secular Are Secular Ethics?  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Evolution of moral outrage: I’ll punish your bad behavior to make me look good  The Conversation


Dealing with a Moody Man  Becoming (my blog)

Three Steps for Creating a New Habit   Chronicle of Higher Ed


SEO: How Do You Solve A Google Problem Like Rick Santorum's?   NPR


The Case Against Mandating Math for Students (algebra is overrated)  Chronicle of Higher Ed (subscription required for this story)  


Linguists Not Exactly Wow About Facebook’s New Reactions  Wired

Linguistics could help future driverless cars cooperate better  The Stack


You’ve never seen your favorite books like this before  Washington Post

Where's The Color In Kids' Lit? Ask The Girl With 1,000 Books (And Counting)  NPR


Blackflix: How Netflix's algorithm exposes technology's acial bias  Marie Clarie

Zuckerberg Furious With Employees For Erasing 'Black Lives Matter' Slogans  NBC News

English-speaking Asian Americans stand out for their technology use  Pew Research

Is speaking Spanish necessary to be Hispanic? Most Hispanics say no  Pew Research

Sense and Sensibility and Jane Austen's Accidental Feminists  The Atlantic


Apple May Use a First Amendment Defense in That FBI Case. And It Just Might Work  WIRED

Donald Trump says he wants to change Libel Law  Washington Post


Service Launched to Help Universities Comply With ADA Web Site Regulations  Campus Technology

'Body Hacking' Movement Rises Ahead Of Moral Answers   NPR

A new wave of mobile technology is on its way, and will bring drastic change  Economist

Now You Can Type in Google Docs by Speaking  Wired


Vertical video is becoming more popular, but there’s no consensus on the best way to make it  Harvard's Nieman Lab

Handy Chart Helps You Understand the Elements of Typography  Wired


Your Social Media Accounts Are A Criminal's Best Friend (One California burglar tracked women using their Instagram locations)  Vocativ

Snapchat employee data leaked following phishing scam  The Stack

How to Keep Instagram From Taking Over Your Phone  Wired

So Social: How to create and use Twitter lists  Providence Journal


Obama Set to Expand Sharing of Data between NSA to other American intelligence agencies   New York Times 

Child Advocate: Risk scores created by predictive modeling software can endanger children  Forbes

Obama set to expand data sharing between NSA and other American intel agencies  NY Times  

Of the many reasons that Big Data initiatives fail, here are seven  First Post


How a Leading Christian College Turned Against Its Gay Leader  Time

Does Religion Matter In The Presidential Election? (Faith-driven voters are quite likely getting down on their knees to pray for their candidates)  Vocativ

U.S. religious groups and their political leanings  Pew Research

Who Are the Gay Evangelicals?  New York Times

Did Nike stop Steph Curry from putting scripture on his basketball shoes?  Snopes


Reports of the death of performance reviews are exaggerated (opinion)  Economist


Jeb’s Downfall Proves Political TV Ads Don’t Work Anymore  Wired


“Rolling Papers:” The crazy experiment called weed journalism  University of Colorado Student Newspaper

Nearly Eight-in-Ten Reddit Users Get News on the Site  Pew Research

5 of the best: podcasts about data journalism  Online Journalism

How millennials read news; lessons from the Engaging News Project  Gatehouse

Wired Warns Four stories were plagiarized  Retraction Watch  


November Post by a Member of the Spotlight team  Medium

Oscars 2016: Read about the Pulitzer-Prize Winning Journalism That Got Spotlight the Best Film Award  First Post


Can Technology Save Journalism?  Forbes

The Fading Newspaper  Bloomberg


Joe Biden Asked Oscar Viewers to Fight Rape Culture on College Campuses   Mic  

Study: Millennials could help sway the election in these 10 states  USA Today

15% of American Adults Have Used Online Dating Sites or Mobile Dating Apps  Pew Research

Millennials Make Up Almost Half of Latino Eligible Voters in 2016  Pew Research

The cost of skipping class, by the numbers  USA Today

Fixing A Broken Freshman Year: What An Overhaul Might Look Like   NPR

The baffling reason many millennials don’t eat cereal   Washington Post

Millennials less confident about nation’s future, but so were their parents, grandparents when young  Pew Research

A new study says half of US students could be internet addicts  Quartz


What is the best way to assess faculty activity?  Chronicle of Higher Ed


President Quits at Mount St. Mary's  Inside Higher Ed

Colleges say the Department of Education's guidance on campus sexual assault is vague and inconsistent  Inside Higher Ed 

University of Missouri fundraising takes $6 million hit in December as donors hold back funds  Columbia Tribune