Articles of Interest - March 21


The BuzzFeed Buzz Saw: Why Campaigns Should Fear These Four 20-Somethings  NPR

How to Make Twitter Actually Useful (With new features, the social network is fixing its biggest problems to win back Twitter quitters—but it still needs to do more)  Wall Street Journal

social media is making us shallow, says science  Vice

Medium Evolves Again (The service will add human editorial decisions to its mobile app)  The Atlantic

Twitter Rules Out Long Tweets, Sticking to 140-Character Limit  New York Times

Instagram's Biggest Change Since 2013 (The app is piloting an algorithmic, non-chronological feed)  The Atlantic

How 'I don't have Facebook' became the new annoying 'I don't watch TV'  Mashable

Social Media Expert Checklist: Questions To Determine Who Is And Isn't An Expert  Search Engine People


Should your Therapist Read your Twitter?  Motherboard

Psychologists Throw Open The “File Drawer”  Discover Magazine

Can Big Data Help Psychiatry Unravel the Complexity of Mental Illness?  Scientific American

Why smart people are better off with fewer friends  Washington Post


What Exactly IS "critical thinking"?  Becoming (my blog)


Why scientific fraud hurts people  Stat News

Many scientific “truths” are, in fact, false  Quartz

Embracing 'Messy' Science (The American Statistical Association pushes for more data transparency by rejecting a common measure of statistical significance)  Inside Higher Ed


A ‘Perfect’ Storm (What superlative, asks Ben Yagoda, could possibly follow "perfect" in the procession of enthusiastic adjectives?)  Chronicle of Higher Ed

What grammar pedants and fashion victims have in common  The Conversation


The future of the Spanish language is looking a lot more like English  LA Times

How language gives your brain a break BioEngineer


What People Around The World Are (And Aren't) Reading About  Digg

Scientists Discover That James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake Has an Amazingly Mathematical “Multifractal” Structure  Open Culture


Wikipedia and the Momentum of Tiny Edits  The Atlantic


As Women Take Over a Male-Dominated Field, the Pay Drops  New York Times


Can Computers Be Racist? The Human-Like Bias Of Algorithms  NPR

'Resume whitening' doubles callbacks for minority job candidates, study finds  The Guardian

Trump as a Taunt  Inside Higher Ed

'The Bell Curve' still Dividing Campuses   Inside Higher Ed

Professor Cleared to Teach After Furor Over Race  Inside Higher Ed


Despite public interest in increased police transparency, most private universities shield police reports  Student Press Law Center


Does the First Amendment protect people who film the police?  The Conversation

Defining Intolerance: First Amendment concerns at the U of California  Inside Higher Ed


The legal battle over this monkey's selfie is far from over The Daily Dot

Lions Gate TM Copyright Claims Against TD Ameritrade Dismissed  Bloomberg


Report: Wearables To Top 10 Million Shipments in 2016  Campus Technology


Artists Put Online 3D, High Resolution Scans of 3,000-year-old Nefertiti Bust (and Controversy Ensues)  Open Culture

Art and loneliness  The Economist

How Critical Thinking Sabotages Painting: Creating art is a very different skill than articulating what art is about (subscription required) Chronicle of Higher Ed

The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) Puts Online 65,000 Works of Modern Art  Open Culture


Google just released its Analytics 360 Suite. Is this 6 product package a game changer?  Venture Beat

In support of Bayesian evidence measures: reconsider the "role of testing & P values in quantitative research" Inside Higher Ed

Is the "reproducibility crisis” due to overuse of P values & a preference for easily digestible conclusions?  American Statistical Association

In 4 years, some $4.6 trillion will be spent by co's to save useless and dark data  Veritas  

More data isn't necessarily better. Here's 7 cases where #BigData won't improve your model  Data Science


Exit polls and the evangelical vote: A closer look  Pew Research

Baptist Youth Pastor's Wife Says She's Wearing Hijab on Mondays to Show Solidarity With Muslim  Christian Post

Jimmy Swaggart didn’t Go away  Greater Baton Rouge Business Report

Former Scientology "Life Counselor" Sheds Light on the Church's Gay Reparative Therapy Process  Gawker

How Will Young People Choose Their Religion?  The Atlantic

Percentage of Americans who pray or believe in God at an all-time low  City News Service


Measuring Donald Trump’s Mammoth Advantage in Free Media  New York Times  


Digital Video Advertising For Traditional TV Tops $2 Billion  Media Post

Has the podcasting renaissance been overstated?  The Media Briefing


The Washington Post is trying to make it easier to read long features  Nieman Labs

Who is posting comments on news stories, and why do they do it?  Harvard's Nieman Lab  

As Sunshine Week dawns, more need than ever for transparency  Poynter

Study Finds Legacy Newsrooms Embrace Innovation, But Not Cultural Change  Media Shift

Digital Digging: How Fusion is producing investigative journalism for the Jon Stewart generation Poynter

Beyond Spotlight: 6 more data journalism projects that influenced policy  Online Journalism Blog

Here are the most practical tips for reporters shooting video with smartphones  GateHouse NewsRoom


Us antitrust lawsuit aims to block California newspaper sale Salon

Why narrative journalism startup Latterly called it quits  Venture Beat


As FCC Auction Looms, Colleges Consider the Value of Their Airwaves  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Florida student news website files lawsuit against university for access to student government hearings  Student Press Law Center


How the chance of breaking up changes the longer your relationship lasts  Washington Post


Why Are Some Academics So Unprofessional? (Calls go unreturned, emails are ignored. That’s the way business is conducted too often in higher education)  Chronicle of Higher Ed

A growing number of European students are opting to pay for their education  Economist

How 'Safe Spaces' Stifle Ideas  Chronicle of Higher Ed


15 arts and literature majors with the best value 2016  USA Today