Articles of Interest - April 18


Engineering Spiritual Growth  Becoming (my blog)

Organization is a Skill, Not a Trait  Chronicle of Higher Ed

The Important Habit of Just Starting  Life Hacker

***THE INTERNET                       

The secret rules of the internet (The murky history of moderation, and how it’s shaping the future of free speech)  The Verge

The Internet Should Look More Like Reddit and Less Like Facebook Media Shift  PBS MediaShift


The harsh truth about speed-reading  The Daily Dot

The Narratee and the Typo  Chronicle of Higher Ed

The Creative Writing of the Internet's Premier White Supremacist Forum  Gawker

A Farewell to Adverbs (Why computers will never write novels)  Chronicle of Higher Ed

The next hot job in Silicon Valley is for poets  Washington Post


Poetically Punctuating (subscription)  Chronicle of Higher Ed

People obsessed with grammar aren't as nice as everybody else, study suggests  Mashable


That Emoji Does Not Mean What You Think It Means  Gizmodo

How the Internet is changing the English language  Daily Do


Cao Wenxuan: Chinese author wins top children's literature prize  BBC

Fahrenheit 451 film in the works at HBO  Entertainment Weekly

How a Google Spreadsheet Saved My Literature Class  Chronicle of Higher Ed

At National Library Week, A Look At How Libraries Transform in the Digital Age  PBS MediaShift

“What’s in a name?”: Was William Shakespeare popular during his lifetime?  OUP blog

An Evening with Nikki Giovanni -- Point Loma Writer’s Symposium by the Sea 2016  UCSD TV


Why our peer review system is a toothless watchdog  Stat News


What happens to boys who kill women in video games  Washington Post

See Where Women Have The Most And Least Political Representation In The U.S.  NPR

Gender Bias Built Into Cinema: The Largest Ever Analysis of Film Dialogue (Over 4 Million Lines in 2,000 Scripts) Reveals Gender Bias Built Into Cinema   Open Culture

The problem with almost all movies   Washington Post  


What Does Time Perception Have To Do With Racial Disparities?  NPR

‘When You’re Accustomed to Privilege, Equality Feels Like Oppression’ (opinion) Huffington Post

When It Comes To Terms Like 'Colored People's Time,' Context Matters   NPR

Guess Who Is Writing a Book on Race? Rachel Dolezal  Ad Week

Southwest Air kicks Muslim woman off plane for switching seats  BoingBoing

A popular video game now randomizes your race and gender — and many white men are furious  Vox

Hundreds of Wisconsin Faculty Members ‘Refuse to Be Silent’ About Classroom Arrest  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Your face is big data  (facial recognition can identify complete strangers)  BBC


How Social Media Inflates Our Perception Of Our Choice Presidential Candidate  Bloomberg View

In Its Fight Against Fake News, Facebook Found A Resilient Foe  BuzzFeed

Facebook's New Master Plan: Kill Other Apps  NPR

Facebook Employees Asked Mark Zuckerberg If They Should Try to Stop a Donald Trump Presidency   Gizmodo  

The new face of Facebook (The social network has turned itself into one of the world’s most influential technology giants, and wants to become ever more powerful)  Economist

USA Today Breaks Story: Teens Love Snapchat  Gawker

You can predict city gentrification through check-ins and tweets  Engadget

How Facebook Could Tilt the 2016 Election  The Atlantic

Why it's now impossible for WhatsApp to help agencies like the FBI access messages  Vox

Reddit Realizes It's 2016, Launches Mobile App  Fortune


Who Owns 'We Shall Overcome'? All Of Us, A Lawsuit Claims  NPR

Kendrick Lamar sued for allegedly copying Bill Withers song  The Guardian

Radiooooo: A Musical Time Machine That Lets You Hear What Played on the Radio in Different Times & Places  Open Culture


The CIA Is Investing in Firms That Mine Your Tweets and Instagram Photos  The Intercept

The dirty little secret about visualizing data-it's as much an art as a science  Washington Post

FBI: a mysterious hacking group has had access to US govt files for years  MotherBoard


How highly religious Americans’ lives are different from others   Pew Research

Tennessee governor vetoes bill making Bible official book  Fox News

Despite harassment by police, China’s house-church movement is growing  Economist

In 5 Years, Donald Has Given Nothing to Charity  Ad Week

Many Americans don’t argue about religion – or even talk about it  Pew Resaerch

SNL’s religious freedom movie (video)  Vox

John Kasich Meets Talmudic Scholars, Tries to Explain Bible to Them  New York Magazine

The Evangelical Onion  Patheos

Fake news that’s good for the soul  Washington Post  

Gay waitress says Bible verse left in lieu of tip  WBTV-TV


2016 Pulitzer winners and finalists in journalism and arts  Associated Press

The dirty little secret that data journalists aren’t telling you  Washington Post

Panama Papers Leak Signals a Shift in Mainstream Journalism  New York Times

What Instagram’s algorithm change means for journalists  GateHouse Newsroom

Washington Post Fact Checker gets dressing down from readers; Twitter hashtag goes wrong  Polimedia

A new understanding: What makes people trust and rely on news  American Press Institute

The future of journalism in three words: collaboration, collaboration, collaboration  The Guardian

Journalists, beware: Twitter is less potent than you assume  Poynter

How newsroom pressure is letting fake stories on to the web  The Guardian


Catholic News Service editor asked to resign after Tweeting about Religious Liberty Bills  National Catholic Reporter

Mashable gets out of news business, moves towards video content about ‘digital culture’  Mashable

For News Outlets Squeezed From the Middle, It’s Bend or Bust  New York Times


Science fairs are as flawed  Stat News


Ha ha HA Haha. The Sound Of Laughter Tells More Than You Think  NPR

Why Luck Matters More Than You Might Think (When people see themselves as self-made, they tend to be less generous and public-spirited)  The Atlantic

How Political Candidates Know If You’re Neurotic MIT Tech Review


This is what happens to the brain when it's on LSD  Mashable

How Does a Mathematician's Brain Differ from That of a Mere Mortal?  Scientific American

Why the baby brain can learn two languages at the same time  The Conversation

Is Too Much Screen Time Damaging Your Child’s Brain?  Psychology Today


What Do You Owe the Friends You Unwittingly Scammed?  NY Times

We all lie, scientists say, but politicians even more so   Associated Press

This unusual test reveals how smart you are  Washington Post


College Student Uses 3-D Printer To Fix His Crooked Teeth  NPR

Students ask college to bar controversial social app   Jacksonville Journal-Courier

Attention Students: Put Your Laptops Away  NPR


Crimes reported against Kuwaiti and Saudi Arabian students have the university reeling  Inside Higher Ed


'Crying silently': VP Biden advocates for sexual assault victims during Week of Action   USA Today

Prosecutor says rape case is threatened by BYU Honor Code investigation  The Salt Lake Tribune

John Kasich Tells Student Worried About Sexual Assault to Avoid Parties With Alcohol  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Colleges lose series of rulings in suits brought by male students accused of sex assault. In stinging decisions, judges fault lack of due process  Inside Higher Ed

Do codes of conduct, especially those at faith-based institutions, discourage students from speaking up about sexual assault?  (subscription)  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Calif. university spent $175,000 to counter negative Internet posts: newspaper  Reuters


Are Colleges Too Obsessed With Smartness? (we value students with top grades and scores to the detriment of everybody else)  Chronicle of Higher Ed

The Education Twitterati (At an American Educational Research Association panel, academics discuss the rewards -- and risks -- of using social media to advance public scholarship)  Inside Higher Ed

Hope College Moves Away from Immediate Plan to Fire President  Inside Higher Ed

Head of embattled for-profit-college agency resigns  Inside Higher Ed

Online Learning Trends at Community Colleges  Inside Higher Ed


Stanford Physicist Embarks On Mission To Improve Undergraduate Teaching NPR

Teaching Magazine Students More than Magazines  Media Shift


New research finds professors spend considerable time in meetings and on administrative tasks, and much of their time alone  Inside Higher Ed

Philosophy Prof says he was fired for posting a music video on his personal blog  Leiter Reports: A Philosophy Blog