Articles of Interest - June 13


32m Twitter passwords may have been hacked and put up for sale on the Deep Web  The Next Web  Washington Post 

Creepy startup will help landlords, employers and online dates strip-mine intimate data from your Facebook page  Washington Post

How Academics and Researchers Can Get More Out of Social Media  Harvard Business Review

Social-media apps that used to receive most attention are now getting significantly less screen time  ZD net

Stars of social media are trying to break into the mainstream  Economist

Facebook activates ‘safety check’ in Orlando  Washington Post

‘Chewbacca Mom’ Has Gotten $420,000 Worth of Gifts Since Facebook Video Went Viral  TIME

Microsoft to buy networking site LinkedIn for $26.2 billion Associated Press

Snapchat redesigned its publisher section and now lets you subscribe to your favorite channels  Recode

5 ways brand managers can use Periscope and Meerkat   PR Daily


The Future of Podcasting  Stratechery


Betting on Those We Love  Becoming (my site)


It’s not just college students: Higher education itself is experiencing a mental health crisis  Quartz

America’s obsession with adult coloring is a cry for help  Quartz

Character-driven: Why never giving up is a worthwhile goal (book review)  Economist

Learn to Spot a Liar With These Verbal Signs  Life Hacker

The problem with trying to solve gun violence by going after the mentally ill  Washington Post

How Seeing YouTube Videos Helped me Understand my Schizophrenia  NPR

How Technology Hijacks People’s Mindsfrom a Magician and Google’s Design Ethicist  Medium

Why You Just Lost 20 Minutes to the Internet  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Revulsion wired the brain for morals, manners, politics and laws (book excerpt from This is your brain on Parasites)  Aeon


What happens when a 50-something journalist gets a week’s worth of news from Snapchat Discover?   Harvard’s Nieman Lab


Blendle, the ‘Spotify of Journalism,’ May Be the Antidote to Ad Blockers  Newsweek

Write An Essay To Win A Local Newspaper  NPR

The Washington Post is dabbling in translations to reach a growing non-English speaking audience  Harvard Nieman Lab  

Can Anyone Save The New York Times from Itself?  Vanity Fair


The Double Life and Death of Dickens  The Atlantic

When it comes to language, some users are more peevish than others  Economist

Why The New York Times published a story with (almost) no periods  Poynter

Transitive and Intransitive verbs in the Economist style book  Chronicle of Higher Ed


 Can Reading Make You Happier?   The New Yorker

June Means AP Stylebook Changes  Prof KRG


Why The Spanish Language Isn’t ‘Foreign’ In The United States   Huffington Post

Babies’ brains are wired to learn multiple languages at once  Quartz

Software that Supports Multilingual Dialogue  Chornicle of Higher Ed


Stealing Books in the Age of Self-Publishing  The Atlantic

English professor's 500-plus tweetstorm about 'King Lear' is the literary community’s hottest beef  The Verge

Oscar Wilde came from a wild and eccentric family (book review)  Economist

If Jane Austen Got Feedback From Some Guy In A Writing Workshop  BuzzFeed

BBC Radio Drama of Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov: Streaming Free for a Limited Time  Open Culture

Italian Newspaper’s ‘Mein Kampf’ Giveaway Sparks Backlash   Huffington Post

19 of literature’s best first lines  PR Daily


Fraud, bureaucracy and an obsession with quantity over quality still hold Chinese science back  The Economist

How to handle an idiotic review (opinion)  Scientist Sees Squirrel

***GENDER ISSUES                                    

College dorms a new front in U.S. battle over transgender rights  Reuters

Gender Disparity in Scholarly Publishing Revisited (there are precious few women heading scholarly publishing organizations or their Boards)  The Scholarly Kitchen

In effort to understand continuing racial disparities, NIH to test for bias in study sections  Science Mag

Colleges are scrambling to ensure housing for transgender students meets federal standards  Reuters


Race and Sexual Harassment in Academia  Jstor

Fox Sports Florida Reporter in Hot Water for Racist Comments  Adweek

100 years of data about Pulitzer Prize Winners (the women and people of color who are being shut out of American journalism’s most prestigious award)   Columbia Journalism Review


Free Speech is in Retreat   Economist

A First Amendment For Social Platforms  BuzzFeed

Curbs on Free Speech Grow: It's Time to Speak Out (opinion)  Economist

How California’s new copyright bill could chill public debate  Columbia Journalism Review

Young westerners are less keen than their parents on free speech  Economist

University protesters believe they are fighting for justice; their critics think free speech is imperiled  Economist

Gawker’s Bankruptcy Is How a Free Press Dies, One VC at a Time (opinion)   Wired


The internet of things: Connected homes will take longer to materialise than expected  Economist

The NSA wants to monitor pacemakers and other medical devices (Oh, and also the entire Internet of Things)  The Verge


This site does exactly what it says it will do, but people are clicking on it anyway ("Ruin My Search History" will run a series of searches in your browser, escalating in the potential to destroy your Google results)  Washington Post


Propaganda film project backfires on North Korea  Telegraph


Poll resuts-the most popular general data science platforms  KD Nuggets

Hadoop creator: Tech that will soon allow Hadoop to squeeze more value from big data  ZDnet

How Government-Funded Big Data technologies successfully Transition to the Commercial Sector  Inside Big Data

AI Used to track Mental Health Patters (like PTSD) can provide real-time conversation feedback (such as pointing out when someone is rude)  MIT News


I’m a Woman Who Got Kicked Out of Women’s Bathrooms: written by Professor of English at George Fox University (opinion)  Christianity Today      

Divided America: Evangelicals feel alienated, anxious  Associated Press

'God's Not Dead' Producers Facing $100M Copyright Lawsuit  Hollywood Reporter

Southern Baptist membership declines yet again  Associated Press

Dr. James Dobson: Christian Parents Will Violate Scripture if Daughters Use Trans-Inclusive Bathrooms  Christian Post

Georgia Baptist official says religious freedom is not for Muslims  Religious News Service

Texas lieutenant governor deletes Bible tweet after shooting  KRGV-TV

Secular Voters Raise Their Voices: So-called ‘nones’ work to harness their growing numbers into a strong political bloc  Wall Street Journal


How Student Debt Affects Personal Choices Of Young People  NPR

Teens having less sex and are drinking and using drugs less often, study finds  LA Times

One of the best ways to predict whether a student will drop out  Inside Higher Ed


How should we treat science’s growing pains? (Quality control has failed to keep pace with the growth of science)  The Guardian

Framing science in televised interviews: researchers use personal accounts as a way of reframing news stories introduced by the program hosts  Public Understanding of Science

Google launches Science Journal to turn your phone into a research lab  The Next Web


A critical take on the Steve McCurry Photojounalism Scandal”  Writing Through Light

Psychology instructor withdraws book chapter after refusing to add language that he asserts a publisher demanded  Inside Higher Ed


Orlando Colleges Offer Support After Mass Shooting at Gay Club  Chronicle of Higher Ed

The class ceiling: China’s education system is deeply unfair  Economist

University pays $20,000 to ransomware hackers  BBC

How one California university faked students’ scores, skated by immigration authorities — and made a fortune in the process  BuzzFeed

How Colleges Train for Active Shooters on Campus (sub. req.)  Chronicle of Higher Ed

California bill takes aim at religious colleges that seek to bar transgender students  EdSource


Reformers are showing that the best teachers are made, not born  Economist


Stanford U Defends Its Role in Rape Case  Inside Higher Ed

Former Stanford swimmer's case renews debate about second chances for athletes  Inside Higher Ed

Stanford University on defensive over efforts to deter sexual assault  Globe and Mail

‘We’re horrified’: At Stanford, the impact of a sexual assault is searing  Washington Post

These colleges have the most reports of rape – but that may not be bad  Sacramento Bee

The Stanford sex offender’s beliefs about sexual assault are surprisingly widespread (College students admit to forcing sex, but they don't call it rape)  Washington Post

Advocates Warn against Ranking Colleges Handling Sexual Assault Based on Clery Data  Inside Higher Ed

California College Reaches Deal to Resolve Investigation of Sexual-Assault Cases  Chronicle of Higher Ed