Articles of Interest - June 27


Twitter is making a huge video push — and tweaking Vine’s six-second limit in the process  Recode

Twitter quietly launches tags to location feeds with Foursquare  Tech Crunch

Social media apps overwhelmingly dominate mobile traffic  Business Insider

How Periscope Is Changing Politics  TIME

Google, Facebook quietly move toward automatic blocking of extremist videos  Reuters

Who owns the news consumer: Social media platforms or publishers?  Columbia Journalism Review


Who owns the news consumer: Social media platforms or publishers?   Columbia Journalism Review

Judge: UCSD “stacked the deck” against student accused of cheating  Inside Higher Ed

Photographer sues after his photo, used in news stories, is attributed to social media site  Student Press Law Center


Jobs on Creativity: Creativity is just connecting things  Becoming (my site)

When you will most likely hit your creative peak, according to science  Washington Post


How Mary Norris, the New Yorker's 'Comma Queen,' became a video star  Digiday


True: Fact-checking a single Donald Trump speech required 12 AP writers  Washington Post

Does Reading on Computer Screens Affect Student Learning?  Chronicle of Higher Ed

AP style guidelines for hyphen usage  GateHouse Newsroom


An Animated Introduction to the Life & Literary Works of Charles Dickens  Open Culture

Faith and Sci-Fi: The Christian Universe of "A Wrinkle in Time"  Catholic World Report


Detecting scientific sloppiness: A surprisingly simple test to check research papers for errors   Economist

Science hype and questionable research practices satirized In Trump vs Trump paper   Retraction Watch

Why Most Clinical Research Is Not Useful  PLOS Journal

Presenting scientific results: A scientific study of the importance of diagrams to science  Economist

Harvard Theological Review refuses to retract article despite evidence that the article — about Jesus’s wife — was based on a forgery  Retraction Watch        


Stopping Tenure Clock helps Male professors More  Inside Higher Ed


Make America White Again: A Tennessee congressional candidate put up a billboard exhorting voters to "Make America White Again" as part of his political campaign  Snopes

It’s official: Minority babies are the majority among the nation’s infants, but only just  Pew Research

A sharp spike in racist incidents reported after the Brexit vote  Washington Post

3 Key Takeaways From the Supreme Court’s Decision on Race-Conscious Admissions  Chronicle of Higher Ed

The real winners of the Supreme Court’s affirmative action ruling are rich, white people  Washington Post

Post EU Referendum Racism Documented Online And It’s Really Scary  Huffington Post


Hundreds of colleges had zero rape reports in 2014. And that could be worrisome ("Either they don’t have an adequate reporting system … or they know about the rapes and are putting them under the rug.”)  Washington Post  

How you can help victims of sex trafficking while traveling  Daily Dot

What One Rape Cost Our Family (opinion)  New York Times


State-of-the-art education software often doesn’t help students learn more, study finds (2 lessons from the most rigorous study to date of "adaptive-learning" courseware)  Hechinger Report

Text messages are often the weakest link in two-step logins  Wired


Reweaving the web- A slew of startups is trying to decentralise the online world  Economist         

Googling medical symptoms may no longer convince you that you’re dying  Arstechnica


Trade in data seems very important, but there are no good, er, data on it  Economist  

Big data needs little data that goes along with it. Its value is only realized when it's used with KPIs  Forbes

Polls v prediction markets-did a Bayesian approach mislead Brexit expectations?  Economist

Most big data researchers are not submitting their work for IRB review-& even when they do, they avoid transparency  Forbes

Data science company says data mining software used by spy agencies just got more powerful  Fed Scope


Health journalism has a serious evidence problem. Here’s a plan to save it.  Vox

FOIA Request on Immigration would cost more than $173K FiveThirtyEight

The New Yorker, BuzzFeed, and the push for digital credibility  Columbia Journalism Review


The Limits of Science: What We Cannot Know (book review)  Economist

How an academic urban legend can spread because of the difficulty of clear citation  Andrew Gelman


How Psychology Made the Brexit Vote Inevitable  TIME

Minister Tests Ban on Gay-Conversion Therapy  Courthouse News


Should Your Driverless Car Hit a Pedestrian to Save Your Life?  New York Times

Are Research Ethics Obsolete In The Era Of Big Data? (the current model of IRB approval simply is not working for “big data” research)  Forbes

Do scientific fraudsters deserve a second chance?  Stat


Is Donald Trump now a born-again Christian?   Religious News Service

5 key findings about global restrictions on religion   Pew Research

How Did Trump’s Speech to Evangelicals Go on Tuesday? Not Great  Slate 

Survey: White evangelicals say US no longer a Christian nation  Religious New Service

Francis Says Church Should Apologize to Gays  Reuters


Predicting the success of “Hamilton”  Economist


Spending a few extra years in college may cost you more than you think  Washington Post

What Every New College Grad Should Know About Retirement Savings  Fortune

The government offers $130 billion to college students. Why aren’t more applying for it?  Washington Post

Science suggests genes can hugely influence academic performance  Quartz


In College Turmoil, Signs of a Changed Relationship  New York Times

Fisher v. Texas: Affirmative action at the University of Texas is constitutional, the Supreme Court Rules  Vox

Three graduation rates for one college? The baffling government policy that could confuse students  Washington Post

What might Microsoft’s $26.2 billion acquisition of LinkedIn mean for higher ed?  Inside Higher Ed

Tuition at public colleges has soared in the past decade, but student fees have risen faster  Washington Post


Faith-based colleges say anti-discrimination bill would infringe on their religious freedom   LA Times

Fear-Mongering From Religious University over LGBT Protections (opinion) ("nowhere does the bill itself seek to eliminate religious education or religious liberty")  Medium

The twisted logic of evangelical colleges welcoming straight atheists and rejecting gay Christians (opinion)  The Week

“Tolerant” California Will Not Tolerate Christian Colleges (written by the author of the "Hipster Christianity")  (opinion)  Brett McCracken

A Response to Biola University’s SB 1146 Opposition (written by 2009 Biola alumni)  Campus Pride


College courses without textbooks? These schools are giving it a shot  Washington Post

Why some college professors are telling students to use Wikipedia for class  LA Times

Study casts doubt on value of remedial math for college Washington Post