articles of interest - Sept 12


Horrible Facebook Algorithm Accident Results In Exposure To New Ideas  The Onion

The seventh-grader’s sext was meant to impress him. Then he shared it. It nearly destroyed her  Washington Post

Twitter Adds Button That Lets You Subscribe To Live Video Notifications  BuzzFeed


Machine Learning, AI, and Computer Generated Music  DZone

Learn How to Read Sheet Music: A Quick, Fun, Tongue-in-Cheek Introduction  Open Culture


BuzzFeed Regroups as Media Turns Video-Centric  The New York Times

What We Mean When We Talk About “Engagement”  Medium


Google project comes up with a machine-generated piece of music  Dzone

MIT AI researchers claim breakthrough on threat detection: unsupervised machine learning w/ periodic human feedback  Dark Reading

Storytelling: The power to influence in data science  KD Nuggets


This Rule I Learned and Then Unlearned  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Americans aren't reading less -- they're just reading less literature  Minnesota Public Radio

The Best New Way to Read? Novels Told Through Text Messages  Wired

When Analogies Fail  Chronicle of Higher Ed


The Two Voices of Trump  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Should religious language keep up with the times or stick closely to the original?  Economist

BBC Editor Highlights Often Overlooked English Language Rule  NPR

Beware the bad big wolf: why you need to put your adjectives in the right order  The Conversation

Is Writing a Technology or a Language? Let’s Ask Some Aliens  Jstor Daily


Even science majors should study literature  Washington Post


California Aims To Limit Surprise Medical Bills  NPR

The Death of the Prostate Exam  Medium


A Worrying Trend for Psychology’s “Simple Little Tricks"  The Atlantic


What Happens in the Brain When We Misremember  Scientific American


A Life of Meaning (Reason Not Required) (opinion)  New York Times


A Framework for Improving the Quality of Research in the Biological Sciences  mBio

Is Most Published Research Wrong? (video)  Veritasium


Few evangelical churches led by a woman  Christian Today

The Gender Factor in Conference Presentations  Inside Higher Ed

Study finds gender bias in sports journalism  PhysOrg

why the gender wage gap explodes when women hit their 30s  Vox

News photos of scientists skew race but not gender (sub. requ’d)  Newspaper Research Journal

Anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly’s philosophy perfectly captured in 15 disturbing quotes  Raw Story


Airbnb Gets Serious About Fighting Discrimination  Wired            


Half Of Professors In NPR Ed Survey Have Used 'Trigger Warnings'  NPR


The Protection of Intellectual Property in International Law – An Introduction  InfoJustice


New book examines how technology is changing education  Inside Higher Ed

AI Can Recognize Your Face Even If You’re Pixelated  Wired


The stunning geographic divide in American creativity  Washington Post


White male leadership persists at evangelical ministries  RNS

Trump's pitch to Christian voters evolves  Politico

Why is Christianity declining?  Religious News Service

Evangelicals Coming Out For Darwin  Forbes

William Blake’s Masterpiece Illustrations of the Book of Job (1793-1827)  Open Culture

Vanderbilt settles health insurance suit from Christian student  Campus Reform

Evangelicals and conservative Catholics, who have voted together for decades, are splitting apart  Washington Post


Embracing the life that's been forced upon you  Becoming (my blog)

When You Change the World and No One Notices  Collaborative Fund


Why Journalists Can No Longer Ignore Snapchat  PBS’s MediaShift

Overlooked outlets where freelancers can pitch their work International Center for Journalists


Remix: How to Teach Story-Finding Skills  PBS’s MediaShift


Student Newspaper Dealing with Backlash from Editorial  York Daily Record

What ‘Safe Spaces’ Really Look Like on College Campuses  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Student goes public about the way the university handled her sexual assault and many join her  Inside Higher Ed

Students at UPenn Protest Email as Evidence of Rape Culture  Chronicle of Higher Ed

UCLA settles lawsuit with graduate students alleging Title IX violations  Daily Bruin

Maryland’s Frostburg State University Found in Violation of Title IX  Baltimore Sun  


The coming era of consolidation among colleges and universities  Washington Post

Group Unveils a 'Model Policy' for Handling Student  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Campuses Cautiously Train Freshman Against Insults  New York Times

Colleges Are Defining ‘Microaggressions’ Really Broadly  New York Magazine

Big data's deluge in higher Ed: We're standing under a waterfall feasting on information that's never existed before  PhysOrg


What Clicks From 70,000 Courses Reveal About Student Learning (sub. requ'd)  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Why We should stop Grading students on a Curve (opinion)  New York Times

Tips for Inclusive Teaching  Chronicle of Higher Ed

A new book by undergraduates offers teaching advice based on thousands of comments from students  Inside Higher Ed

No, Banning Laptops Is Not the Answer  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Welcome, Freshmen. Look at Me When I Talk to You  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Northwestern orders professor to stay away. She says she is being punished for her activism  Inside Higher Ed

Sociologists talk standards by which departments may consider social media activity and other public communications in tenure and promotion decisions  Inside Higher Ed

Theater Director at Cal State-Long Beach Quits After Racially Charged Play Is Canceled  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Your University can read your .edu email because it wants to target you or just for kicks  Chronicle of Higher Ed