articles of interest - Jan 9


The best Social Media Conferences to attend in 2017   HootSuit

Telling Facebook you've changed your phone number – the weird T&Cs you've unwittingly signed up to  The Guardian

The Desire to Live-Stream Violence  The Atlantic

Using Social Media, Students Aspire To Become 'Influencers'  NPR

Vine app will shut down and become Vine Camera on January 17th  The Verge

Study: Half of American Internet Users Have Been Harassed or Abused Online  MediaShift

So Who's Behind all Those Snarky Tweets from Windy's  Washington Post


This Video Explains How GitHub Works As Simply As Possible  Life Hacker

List of companies using the free programming language R  ListenData


Computers have got much better at translation, voice recognition and speech synthesis But they still don’t understand the meaning of language  Economist

The quest to create animals with human organs has a long history – and it is now becoming a reality  BBC

How voice technology is transforming computing  Economist


10 simple rules for effective statistical practice  Data Science Central

Willing to try Javascript for Machine Learning? Here are some useful libraries  KD Nuggets

Battling the Tyranny of Big Data: When an algorithm tells us what to do but we know it is wrong  Bloomberg

The 10 Coolest Big Data Products Of 2016  CRN

A video about how Bayesian inference works  Flowing Data

How to create a Best-Fitting regression model?   Data Science Central

5 expensive myths about Apache Hadoop  News Factor

Machine Learning Algorithms: A Concise Technical Overview  LinkedIn


What UX Designers Can Learn from Psychology  Prototyprio


Hacks, tips and tricks for mobile journalists

How to Go Live: Facebook Live Streaming for News Publishers  Video Strategist


The Debate Over Whether Journalists Should Call Donald Trump’s False Statements ‘Lies’ Is a Red Herring  New York Mag

Lies, Journalism and Objectivity  New York Times

As Journalism Becomes Even More Dangerous, Newsrooms Must Address Psychological Trauma  PBS MediaShift

Does nonpartisan journalism have a future? (opinion) The Conversation  

Why Meryl Streep wants you to support the Committee to Protect Journalists Daily Dot

Washington Post to Create Rapid Response Investigative Team  Washington Post


Fake news? That’s a very old story  Washington Post

Higher ed takes on fake news epidemic  Education Dive

Hoaxy Visualizes the Spread of Online News (Hoaxy is a new tool created as an antidote to the spread of fake news)  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Can the news be saved?: 2017’s emerging media outlets face just as many challenges as old media  Salon

Why did the Los Angeles Times take so long to run an investigation? (there are questions also about its editorial decision-making)  The Guardian

Tronc If You Want to Save Journalism  Bloomberg

Medium lays off a third of its staff as it searches for a new business model  The Verge

Why Medium Failed to Disrupt the MediaBloomberg

'The underbelly of the internet': How content ad networks fund fake news  Digiday


Report: US College Newspapers Assailed for Negative Stories  Voice of America

A college newspaper takes the right stand  Delaware Online

These Local Freshmen Saved Their College Newspaper from Going Out of Print  Honolulu Mag


to be creative  Becoming (my site)

Why Focusing on Yourself Helps You Get Over Someone Else  Life Hacker


Which is preferable, "If only it were," or "if only it was"?  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Portrait of the Artist as a Case Study  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Trump pick Monica Crowley plagiarized multiple sources in 2012 book  CNN


Survey looks at foreign language programs' response to decade-old call to transform teaching  Inside Higher Ed

2016’s grim words of the year  Economist


Danger ahead: Collapse of Southern literature?  Charlotte Observer

Author Discusses his new book on the State of the Classics  Inside Higher Ed

How China uses Shakespeare to promote its own bard  Economist


'National Geographic' Tackles Changing Gender Norms Worldwide  NPR

The Benefits of Gender Balance in a System’s Presidential Offices  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Can We Really Measure Implicit Bias? Maybe Not  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Using evolutionary dynamics and game theory to understand personal relations  MIT News


Japanese white-collar workers are already being replaced by artificial intelligence in Medical Insurance Co.  Quartz

Today’s new drugs come through the pipeline no faster than 20 years ago, report finds  Stat News

Diagnosing illness by smell: A prototype device to detect the scent of disease  Economist

Obama vs. Trump: 5 ways they clash — or don’t — on health and science  Stat News

The AI effort to crack biology, accelerate drug discovery, & upend clinical care Economist 

Can data analytics aid in end-of-life care decisions?  Managed Health Care

Lies, Damned Lies, and P Values: the number of "positive" but wrong medical studies may be higher than you think  MedPage Today


Anger at a cop killer, a plea for clemency, and a fight over free expression at American U  Washington Post

U.S. Supreme Court will not examine tech industry legal shield  Reuters

A Lawyer Rewrote Instagrams Terms of Use in "Plain English" so kids would know their Privacy Rights  Denver Post


'Star Trek' Fan Film Dispute Goes to Jury Trial in Big Ruling  Hollywood Reporter

What law firms and law departments should know about Machine Learning algorithms  Inside Counsel


Mariah Carey Feeds the Schadenfreude Cycle  The Atlantic

What happens when narcissists become parents  Washington Post

There’s a Problem With a Bunch of Psychology Textbooks  New York Magazine

A Unified Theory of Mental Illness: How Everything from Addiction to Depression Can Be Explained by the Concept of “Capture” in Psychology  Open Culture


Why We Need to Teach Kids Philosophy & Safeguard Society from Authoritarian Control in Education, Philosophy, Politics  Open Culture


'Facebook Live' torture video raises ethical questions for social media giant  CNN


A Memoir Of Taking Christianity 'To The Extreme'  NPR

The Curious Case of Christians and Alcohol (opinion) HeartSupport

Carrie Underwood faces backlash after performance at evangelical event  Rolling Stone

Marvin Gorman, Assembly of God televangelist brought down by Jimmy Swaggart, dies at 83  NOLA

How Martin Luther has shaped Germany for half a millennium: The 500th anniversary of the 95 theses finds a country as moralistic as ever  The Economist

The future of evangelicalism in America  Religious News Service


The New Congress Is 91% Christian. That’s Barely Budged Since 1961  New York Times

Faith on the Hill: The religious composition of the 115th Congress  Pew Research Center

Evangelicals should be deeply troubled by Donald Trump’s attempt to mainstream heresy (opinion)  Washington Post


Average College Degree Pays off by age 34  CNN

When Colleges Rely on Adjuncts, Where Does the Money Go?  Inside Higher Ed

Claudio Sanchez Predictions For What Will Happen In Education In 2017  NPR


280 Free MOOCs Getting Started in January  Open Culture

Trainwreck: The Teach to One Math Experiment in Mountain View, CA Is a Cautionary Tale About the Perils of Digital Math Education  Open Culture


Why STEM Majors Need the Humanities  Chronicle of Higher Ed


What Technology Addiction Means for Educators  MyStudent Voice

We Know What Works in Teaching Composition  Chronicle of Higher Ed

How Can We Minimize Grade Challenges?  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Claiming Your Right to Say No to Writing a Letter of Recommendation  Chronicle of Higher Ed


In Letter to College Presidents, Biden Urges Continued Fight Against Sexual Assault  Chronicle of Higher Ed

How Publicity Might Sway Reporting of Campus Sexual Assaults  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Few Colleges Use Controversial Sexual Misconduct policy adopted by Stanford  Inside Higher Ed