Articles of Interest - Dec 4


Here’s how to use the newly redesigned Snapchat (Hint: It’s not as hard)  Recode 

Snapchat redesigns confusing app as user growth stalls  CNN

5 ways social media has reshaped the PR industry  PR Daily

OMG! Texting is 25 years old  CNET

10 Things You Can Do Now to Up Your Social Media Game in 2018  Media Shift


Google Street View can predict voting patterns and race  Journalism Resources


Should Law Enforcement Need a Warrant to Track Your Cell Phone?  Scientific American

When Robots Invade the Kitchen  Wired

Game over for virtual reality? Unimpressed, consumers embrace the relevance of augmented reality instead  Economist

Deciding At What Age To Give A Kid A Smartphone  NPR

A tech pioneer recalls a life spent in virtual reality and reflects on a the growing hubris of Silicon Valley  Economist

What DNA Home Testing Can Tell You  NPR

Blockchain: A new technology for global health development?  Journalism Resources


Who's that interrogating you? These tools can help you avoid a sting  Poynter

Here are three tools that help digital journalists save their work in case a site shuts down  Harvard’s Nieman Lab

Small-market newspapers in the digital age  Columbia Journalism Review

The woman who tried to sting The Washington Post also lied to a Student Press Law Center intern  Student Press Law Center

Is It Ever OK for Journalists to Lie?  Politico

'Rope. Tree. Journalist' T-shirt was on sale at until RTDNA spoke up  Poynter

Toutiao, a Chinese news app that’s making headlines: The remarkable success of a smartphone app that claims to figure users out within 24 hours  Economist

How can journalists responsibly cover neo-Nazis? A media scholar gives his advice  Vox



Trump's attacks on CNN helped their revenues far more than his praise helped Fox News, new figures suggest  The Independent

New Secret LA Weekly owners cut nearly half the staff  LA Times

Digital news outlets are in for a reckoning: Sites like Vox, BuzzFeed and Mashable once seemed poised to overtake their peers in print. No longer  Economist


A satirical fake news site apologized for making a story too real  Poynter

How can we stop the train wreck of fake news on Facebook?  MuckRack

Experts Say Facebook's Latest Attempt To Stop Fake News Isn't Foolproof  NPR

Do teens care about ‘fake news?’  Recode


Researchers outside the tech bubble have started using machine learning in unexpected ways. Here are ten of them  Beta News

Five ways to fix statistics  Nature

MIT and Harvard: we just built one of the largest quantum computer "simulators” ever  MIT Tech News

The leap forward this year may be when AI and intelligent process automation are harnessed together  IT Proportal

Choosing hyperparameters with population-based training  Deep Mind


Alone Together  Becoming (my blog) 

Why Trying New Things Is So Hard to Do  New York Times

Museum of Failure Opens in LA  NBC Los Angeles


How to Get Your Mind to Read  New York Times

OMG, the internet is ruining language: Young people’s play with language is often silly and sometimes ugly—but it shows just how much they take it seriously  Economist

Wrestling With ‘/s’ (sarcasm)  Chronicle of Higher Ed


‘Nothing to See Here’: the Evolution of a Catchphrase  Chronicle of Higher Ed

A Map Showing How Much Time It Takes to Learn Foreign Languages: From Easiest to Hardest  Open Culture

Just Google It: A Short History of a Newfound Verb  Wired

Why One Dictionary Made 'Complicit' Its Word Of The Year  NPR

What Are the Most Effective Strategies for Learning a Foreign Language?: Six TED Talks Provide the Answers  Open Culture


Why So Many Adults Love Young-Adult Literature: Over half of today’s YA readers are over the age of 18  The Atlantic

China’s largest online publisher enchants investors and readers alike: Tencent’s China Literature should profit from millions of Chinese smartphone bookworms  Economist


Children are victims in the latest identity-driven culture war  Economist

Women in Academia Unite  Scholarly Kitchen

Making sense of the culture war over transgender identity: As more people change gender, they are sparking a debate that enrages some and confuses many  Economist


Why America Fails at Gathering Hate Crime Statistics  ProPublica


Supreme Court Considers Cellphones And Digital Privacy  NPR

Could Joe Scarborough Sue President Trump for Libel?  Politico

The Supreme Court’s justices want to enhance privacy protections for a digital age  Economist

Watchdog group urges media not to use 'religious freedom' in upcoming Supreme Court case  Poynter


A Beautiful City in the Bible Was Ravaged by Disease and Chaos Because of Climate Change  Newsweek

This Evangelical Action Movie Is Giving Away A Free Assault Rifle  Fast Company

Temple Baptist Church falls prey to internet meme generator  Las Cruces Sun-News

Former LDS bishop calls for church leaders to stop interviewing teens about sexual practices  Fox 13

Book review: Family’s agenda behind Washington’s newest museum  Washington Post

Samaritan’s Purse Loses Support for Operation Christmas Child   VOCM

Christian apologist caught lying about himself for years  Raw Story

Ravi Zacharias Responds to Sexting Allegations, Credentials Critique  Christianity Today


From Roy Moore To Tax Debate, A Spotlight On Christian Nationalism  NPR

Westboro Baptist Church Will Protest Trump, Says His Sex Life Puts 'Entire Nation In Peril'  Newsweek

Pence tells Christian broadcaster: ‘Trump is a believer’  The Hill 


The rise and rise of performance art  Economist


U2's 'Songs of Experience' Is The Reboot The Band Needed  NPR

Tech giants will probably dominate speakers and headphones: Smartspeakers and wireless ear buds are sending the audio industry “horizontal”  Economist


BuzzFeed hit with layoffs, as digital ad dollars fall short  Talking New Media

How new media firms such as Vice and BuzzFeed are losing their gloss  New Statesman

The nation’s second largest radio company files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection  Toledo Blade


MPR drops Keillor over inappropriate conduct  Minnesota Public Radio

Judge allows Title IX lawsuit to proceed: The suit seeks monetary damages for alleged "indifference" to a student's report that she was raped  Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette

#MeToo: reporting on sexual assaults on campus (video)

How common is sexual harassment?  Economis

The Legal Recourse For Victims Of Sexual Harassment  NPR

How to Start Healing After Sexual Trauma  Life Hacker

In Politics, Decisions On Sexual Harassment Allegations A Slow Process  NPR


More than half of U.S. kids will be obese by the time they’re 35, study predicts  LA Times

Heart transplants likely to be obsolete within 10 years, says heart surgeon  Telegraph

A Hospital Charged $1,877 to Pierce a 5-Year-Old’s Ears: An epidemic of unnecessary treatment is wasting billions of health care dollars a year  ProPublica

Many people in China believe gays can be “cured”: Quack treatments are available even in public hospitals  Economist

Is the FDA Withholding Data about a Controversial Drug to Protect Its Manufacturer?  Scientific American

Smoking cannabis regularly triples severe depression risk, study of Bristol teenagers finds  Bristol Post


Parents now spend twice as much time with their children as 50 years ago  Economist 

People Like People Who Ask Questions  NPR

Should I Confess My Internet Stalking to My Date?  Wired

Marriage linked to lower dementia risk Fox News


This is an American Workday, By Occupation (data visualization)  Flowing Data

How Birth Order Relates To Job Success  NPR

Here’s all the money in the world, in one chart  MarketWatch 

How the tax overhaul could affect your bottom line (interactive calculator)  Washington Post


Technology behind bitcoin could aid science, report says  Physics Today

Fallibility in science: Responsible ways to handle mistakes  Slide Shares

Why are scientists filing lawsuits against their critics?  The Verge

Can science ever be free of our very human biases? (opinion)  Laboratory News


Software that finds statistical errors in psychology papers is Surprisingly Accurate  Science Mag

Problems in a psychologist’s splashy work on gender  ArsTechnica

The “Humans of New York” Photo Project Becomes a 13-Part Video Documentary Series: Watch It Free Online  Open Culture

Teenage brains 'not wired for high stakes'  BBC


These Gmail searches will dig up stuff you never knew you missed  Popular Science


What's the best way to edit genes with CRISPR? Scientists propose 'rules' to optimize this cutting-edge technology   Johns Hopkins University  

Do We Have Moral Obligations to Robots?  Daily Jstor

Is it ethical for journalists to ask Trump pointedly provocative questions?  Harvard’s Nieman Report


One Way to Fix Reproducibility Problems: Train Scientists Better  The Scientist

Why a Lot of Important Research Is Not Being Done  New York Times

The francophone researcher’s dilemma: publish in English or perish? French-speaking researchers are increasingly choosing to publish their scientific articles in English  University Affairs

Questionable research practices “are moderately to highly prevalent what they attributed primarily to academic incentive structures”  Social Psychology

When a trial fails  The New York Times Magazine

Understanding Bias in Peer Review  Google Research

Does spin in news stories about medical studies make a difference?  BMJ Open

Papers authored by academic and corporate partners are more widely discussed online  Nature Index

Authorship wars: academics outline the rules for recognition  Times Higher Ed

Federal Trade Commission and National Institutes of Health Take Action Against Predatory Publishing Practices  Scholarly Kitchen


What Really Happened At The School Where 'Every Senior Got Into College'  NPR

What to Consider When Closing an Academic Program  Chronicle of Higher Ed

College Football's Avalanche of Lawsuits  Inside Higher Ed

1500+ MOOCs Getting Started in December  Open Culture

California sues for-profit school over 'false promises'  Associated Press

Christian college’s ‘biblically consistent’ curriculum under fire  Times Higher Ed


Should Laptops Be Banned in Class? An Op-Ed Fires Up the Debate  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Don’t Insult Your Class by Banning Laptops (opinion)  Chronicle of Higher Ed

What I Know About My Students  Chronicle of Higher Ed 

Everyone Hates Course Evaluations  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Breitbart, Fox News misidentify Tech's newspaper in 'racist' column  The Daily Toreador

After Threatening to Sue a Student Newspaper Writer and Canceled Speech, Scaramucci Resigns From Tufts Advisory Board  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Texas State newspaper cuts ties with writer after 'racist' opinion column  WFAA


Navigating Life On Campus When You're On The Autism Spectrum  NPR

Tips to copy edit your résumé The Daily Californian (student newspaper)  Daily Cal