articles of interest - Feb 20


WhatsApp is rolling out its own version of Snapchat (and Instagram) Stories  Recode

Cheat Sheet: All Facebook Chatbot Interactions  Chatbots Mag

Pinterest introduces ‘real world’ Search Engine  The Verge

What's Up With Hive, a Nascent Successor to Yik Yak  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Facebook Wants Great Power, But What About Responsibility?  NPR

The Queen Wants to Pay You to Tweet on Her Behalf  Mental Floss

It’s a weird time to be in charge of Sweden’s Twitter account  The Verge

WhatsApp Changes Everything With Its New 'Status' Feature  Forbes

Social Media Impersonation Exploding, With Brands In The Crosshairs  Media Post


Gene Editing  Bloomberg

Patent Office Upholds Controversial Gene-Editing Ruling : Shots  NPR

What is the best way to address a voice assistant?  1843 Magazine


A robot revolution: Building work once done by human hands can now be done by machines. That, as Jonathan Glancey explains, opens up new possibilities for architects  1843 Magazine

Art Market vs. Predator  1843 Magazine


Apple Vowed to Revolutionize Television. An Inside Look at Why It Hasn’t  Bloomberg


The Macedonian Teens Who Mastered Fake News  Wired

Get to know the Enemies of the People  Dallas Morning News

Journalists react to being called ‘the enemy of the American people’  Poynter

Journalists, Battered and Groggy, Find a Renewed Sense of Mission  New York Times

What Do the Next 5 Years Hold for Higher Ed Technological Innovation  Ed Surge

In Trump’s anti-press rhetoric, a dark echo from the past: A movie called "An Enemy of the People"  Poynter


University of Michigan to offer class helping students fight fake news  Detroit News

The corpse factory and the birth of fake news  BBC

Documentary championed by Trump featured bogus interviews, Swedish police say  Daily Dot

Mark Zuckerberg takes on fake news, the importance of the news industry and the rise of filter bubbles in new manifesto  Poynter

Trump campaign sends survey on media bias that is, well, pretty biased  Boston Globe

Google expands fact-checked news to Brazil, Mexico & Argentina  Tech Crunch

The new civics course in US schools: How to spot fake news  Associated Press

How Wikipedia Is Cultivating an Army of Fact Checkers to Battle Fake News Pacific Standard


How Facebook and Google could disrupt the subscription model for news  Monday Note

Snap paid out $58 million to media companies last year  Recode


Look at Machine Learning Visualized: Artificial intelligence processes are similar to human "brain scans"  GraphCore

An emerging class of products, Data Science platforms, are starting to provide a general structure to he Data Science workflow  Datanami

How Yahoo’s internal Hadoop Cluster does double-duty on Deep Learning  Next Platform

7 emerging technologies critical to the future of IT including dark analytics, mixed reality and blockchain  Information Week

Data may not lie, but they can be interpreted in ways that have the same effect  Bloomberg

A few tricks to clean data quickly  Data Science Central

MIT: a technique that lets machines learn to recognize concepts in images/text much more efficiently   Technology Review

How data lakes work & can help eliminate cost/time involved in working w/large amounts of data  Dzone

A general Machine Learning technique to make predictions applicable to large amounts of unstructured data  Data Science Central


Savage Love and Marriage  Becoming (my site)

Widowed man dedicates life to fostering terminally ill children  ABC News


Expresso App: Type or paste in text to see different metrics of your writing


An earpiece that Translates Languages Simultaneously  Financial Times

My New Crush on the Dictionary  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Linguist's 'big data' research supports waves of migration into the Americas  Science Daily


The Novel of the Century by David Bellos review – the story of Les Misérables  The Guardian

Can Poetry Keep You Young? Science Is Still Out, But The Heart Says Yes  NPR


The World’s most famous human-rights lawyer is working with a former Sex Slave to put Islamic State in the dock  1843 Magazine


The Purely Accidental Lessons Of The First Black 'Bachelorette'  NPR

Millennials in many countries are more open than their elders on questions of national identity  Pew Research


The Campus Free Speech Battle You're Not Seeing  Jezebel

Young people and free speech  The Economist


Court Sides With Drug Legalization Group in Speech Dispute  Inside Higher Ed

Facebook Wins Battle Over Text Alerts  Media Post


When people claim to be Christian and commit violence in the name of Christianity, most Americans say that person wasn’t really Christian but when people claim to be Muslim and commit violence in the name of Islam most Americans say that person is really Muslim  Public Religion Research Institute

Creationist Ken Ham’s Giant ‘Noah’s Ark’ To Feature Dinosaurs vs. Giants Diorama  Huffington Post

Congressional subcommittee hearing on “The State of Religious Liberty in America”

Southern Baptist leader apologizes for legal brief supporting the building of a New Jersey mosque  Baptist News

Trump Adviser’s Megachurch Withholds Major Donation from SBC  Christianity Today

Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion nationwide, dies at 69  Washington Post

Episcopal Church Sues Trump Administration Over Travel Ban  NPR


For Want of a Copy Editor the Sense Was Lost  Chronicle of Higher Ed

How to Write a Scientific Peer Review: A Guide for the New Reviewer  Canadian Science Publishing

The Place of the P-value in interpreting scientific results  Stat News


The Next Pseudoscience Health Craze Is All About Genetics  Gizmodo

Could your Fitbit data be used to deny you health insurance?  The Conversation

Health insurer calls analysed for signs of disease in your voice  New Scientist

Wearable Fitness Devices Don’t Seem to Make You More Fit  New York Times


Quiet Doesn't Cut It: Why Your Brain Might Work Better In Silence: Your brain doesn't deal that well with background noise, but even small doses of silence can help rejuvenate it  Fast Company


How Machiavelli Really Thought We Should Use Power: Two Animated Videos Provide an Introduction  Open Culture


People Are Finding It Hard to Focus on Work Right Now: A survey finds that nearly a third of people say they have been less productive since the election  The Atlantic

Top 10 Productivity Tips From Former Presidents  Life Hacker


The Shaky Science of Microaggression  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Maybe College Isn't the Great Equalizer  Inside Higher Ed

University drops logo opposed by many students because it featured university without a capital U.  Inside Higher Ed

Bob Jones University regains nonprofit status 17 years after it dropped discriminatory policy  Greenville Online


Minnesota philosophy professor writes that immigrants have low IQs and refugees are part of "religious-political cult"  Inside Higher Ed

Stanford says no to ‘sanctuary campus’ label  Mercury News


Online Education Costs More, Not Less: Study challenges the myth that digital instruction costs less both for students and for the colleges producing the courses  Inside Higher Ed

Pixar & Khan Academy Offer a Free Online Course on Storytelling  Open Culture


WNKU sold to religious broadcaster for $1.9 million  WLWT

Committee hears testimony on student press freedom protection bill  Indiana Daily Student


College student suspended after filming teacher saying Trump's election was 'an act of terrorism'  Orange County Register

Undocumented Students’ Fears Escalate After a DACA Recipient’s Arrest  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Here Are The 10 Most Painful Spots To Get A Tattoo  Daily Inofgraphic


You Will Be Assessed and Found Mediocre: How to cope with the endless urge to evaluate every aspect of faculty work  Chronicle of Higher Ed