articles of interest - March 20


Social Media is no Panacea for Loneliness  LiveScience

Facebook Is Trying Too Hard  Techpinions


Head in the cloud: Microsoft Transforms its Culture  The Economist

Facebook's secret team is working on hardware that can scan your brain and read your mind  Tech Republic

Google Maps will soon be able to find your parked car  Mashable


The skills set needed when switching careers from Java to Big Data  Hadoop 360

The Fed Gov’s effort to more quickly buy commercial geospatial intelligence and cut redundant purchasing called CIBORG  FedScoop

Hadoop: “It’s free like a puppy, not free like a beer”  Datanami

A basic overview of machine learning for the novice  The Monkey Learn Blog

The Hadoop dream has all but failed in a smoking heap of cost and complexity  Datanami


A court’s decision in a Maine labor dispute hinged on the absence of an Oxford comma  Quartz


Literature by Degree: Teaching Creative Writing  New York Times


It Begins: Bots Are Learning to Chat in Their Own Language  Wired

When Language Can Cure What Ails You  Daily Jstor


Women's International Film Festival at Liberty Station March 24-26  SD News

'BBC dad' parody imagines how a mom would handle the situation  Mashable

Only 4.2% of Fortune 500 companies are run by women  Quartz

Despite gains, women remain underrepresented among U.S. political and business leaders  Pew Research


New Interactive Map Visualizes the Chilling History of Lynching in the U.S. (1835-1964)  Open Culture


Talking Past Each Other on Free Speech (sub. req.’ed)  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Researchers: The more economically exclusive the institution, the more likely the students have attempted to hinder free speech  Brookings


Google thaws (a little) on defamation cases  Search Engine Land  

Supreme Court of Georgia Issues iHeart Radio Ruling  Coosa Valley News

California Today: A Journalism Scandal Roils the Central Coast  New York Times


Why The Music Industry Is Finally Taking Podcasts Seriously  Forbes

A Crash Course in Contemporary Christian Music  OC Weekly

U2 On 'The Joshua Tree,' A Lasting Ode To A Divided America  NPR


Researchers Examine Breitbart's Influence On Election Information  NPR

UT-owned Del Mar Times has a typo-filled job post  San Diego Reader

Drones in Visual Journalism  New York Times

WATCH: Journalism used to fight for the working man, now it’s a bastion of “trust fund kids”  Salon

Ten insights, three actions toward community-driven storymaking  AIR

Why Journalism, Education Could Benefit From a Mixed-Methods Approach  Media Shift


Why Piling On Facts May Not Help In The Battle Against Fake News  NPR

Watch Celebs Try (and Fail) to Tell Fake News From Real News  Wired

Facebook continues to be under fire for peddling fake news, but the platform will never take real responsibility  TechCrunch

Video: Top 5 ways to get trustworthy news  Tech Republic


Brands Are Digging Into GIF Data to Understand Consumer Behavior  Ad Week

Guardian Pulls Ads from Google After They Were Placed Next to Extremist  The Guardian

The fine line between sponsored content and advertising  Talking New Media


The role of a college newspaper on campus  The Vantage (student newspaper at Newman University is a private Catholic college)

Administration refuses to provide public documents  The Nichollsworth (student newspaper for Nicholls State University)

Which College Degrees Produce the Most (and Least) Financially Responsible Students?  Priceonomics

Private California university requests takedown of student news article  Student Press Law Center


U of California strengthens faculty policies against sexual harassment and assault  Inside Higher Ed

Suit Alleges Ohio U sat on Complaints of Professor’s Sexual Misconduct for a Decade  Inside Higher Ed


An Alarming Number of Kids Are Getting Their Hands on Opioids  Gizmodo


Apocalypse Oak Park: Dorothy Martin, the Chicagoan Who Predicted the End of the World and Inspired the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance  Chicago Mag


What if Sociologists Had as Much Influence as Economists?  New York Times


An Animated Introduction to Arthur Schopenhauer  Open Culture


 Feel like you’re not the person you used to be? You’re probably right  Becoming (my site)


Fast-Growing, Entrepreneurial Christianity Is About A Lot More Than Church Attendance  Fast Company

Conservatives Question choice of churches by Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee  CNN

The Rise Of Secularism And The Alt-Right  NPR

MormonLeaks website squares off with Mormon Church, posts leaked ‘Enemies List’   Washington Post

Twila Paris Defends Brother Indicted for Bribery at Christian College  Christianity Today


Sharp growth of California's free community college programs  Inside Higher Ed

Trump Seeks Deep Cuts in Education and Science  Inside Higher Ed

Investigation found that staff members improperly handled financial aid funds and changed student grades  Inside Higher Ed

This little circle in SoCal became the intellectual hub of Trumpism  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Communication professor establishes ground rules for political conversations with his students in class  Inside Higher Ed

Can a Failing Grade Motivate a Student?  Chronicle of Higher Ed


How Millennials Lose And Win Under The GOP Health Bill  NPR

Out Of Bounds: Competitive Video Gaming And Scholarships  NPR

A wider partisan and ideological gap between younger, older generations  Pew Research

The disturbing trend of homeless community college students  Washington Post


Don’t allow yourself to be treated as a checked box on someone else’s to-do list  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Impact of Social Sciences – Google Scholar is a serious alternative to Web of Science  London School of Economics and Political Science

How can we tackle the thorny problem of fraudulent research?  The Guardian

Predatory publishers and events  The Research Whisperer

Honest mistakes by young scientists shouldn't doom their careers  Stat News

Bad incentives push universities to protect rogue scientists  Slate