articles of interest - April 10


New technology will automatically send you video if you show up in a crowd shot on an MLB broadcast  USA Today

Why everything is hackable Computer security is broken from top to bottom  Economist

The Changing Use of American Leisure Time  1843 Magazine


Why Authoritarians Attack the Arts  New York Tunes

This Extraordinary New Museum Doesn't Actually Have Any Art  Harpers Bazaar


Classical music, made easy: How to distinguish Bach from Beethoven  Economist


Record labels could yank their music off U.S. radio under new bill  USA Today

Spotify is testing lossless audio. Can you hear the difference?   The Verge

YouTube highlights problems with digital advertising: Big brands protest about ads next to offensive content  Economist


Here are the winners of the 2017 Pulitzer Prizes  Poynter

Internet ‘Predator’ Scam Targets Local Journalists  San Diego Free Press

Teaching Journalism in the Trump Era: Ben Yagoda  Chronicle of Higher Ed

What I Learned About Justice Reporting From Inside Prison: A former prison journalist on what’s missing from criminal justice coverage (opinion)  The Marshall Project  

ProPublica shows Journalists how to tweet  Columbia Journalism Review

10 Investigative Reporting Outlets to Follow  Bill Moyers & Co.

Tiny, family-run newspaper wins Pulitzer Prize for taking on big business  Poynter


Facebook Pushes News Literacy to Combat a Crisis of Trust  Wired

Google rolls out new 'Fact Check' tool worldwide to combat fake news  Christian Science Monitor

What does fake news tell us about life in the digital age? Not what you might expect  Harvard Nieman Lab

How do you stop fake news? In Germany, with a law  Washington Post

For Facebook and Google, the Best Way to Fight Fake News Is You  MIT Tech Review

How Misinformation Spreads On The Internet And How To Stop It  NPR



Creating fake data sets out of real ones so that data analysis doesn’t compromise sensitive personal information  Tech Republic

A series of videos for a course called Neural Networks for Machine Learning  Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera

Hadoop 3.0 is round the corner-these are the enhancements over the previous major release  ZdNet

4 answers to the question: What is the largest inefficiencies in a data scientist’s workflow?  Quora

How to avoid common mistakes when thinking about statistics, probability and risk  The Conversation


Introducing Twitter Lite  Twitter


Women authors are underrepresented in top political science journals, and are not benefitting from the growth in co-authorship   PS: Political Science & Politics

Why Men Don’t Live as Long as Women

NAU professor gets hate calls after docking a point on student's essay for using 'mankind'  12news

The controversial biology of sexual selection: A new book takes aim at evolutionary determinism  Economist


New study suggests that the impostor phenomenon can affect various groups of minority students in different ways  Inside Higher Ed

Minority Neighborhoods Pay Higher Car Insurance Premiums Than White Areas With the Same Risk  ProPublica

The Data says: Police are more likely to shoot If you’re black  Tampa Bay Times

White Supremacists Trying To Recruit On College Campuses  NPR

Most White Republicans say that black Americans are economically worse off because “they just don’t have the motivation or willpower to pull themselves up out of poverty  Washington Post  


What does she see in him?!  Becoming (my site)


Who do you think you’re apostrophising? The dark side of grammar pedantry   The Conversation

English has a traditional solution to gender-neutral pronouns  Economist


Automatic Paraphrasing: A Problem for Academia?  Plagiarism Today

Tools That May Discourage Quality Writing: Programs that promote themselves as helping students paraphrase may be helping them plagiarize, researcher warns  Inside Higher Ed


'Hemingway Didn't Say That' (And Neither Did Twain Or Kafka)  NPR

How Henry David Thoreau Revolutionized the Pencil  Open Culture

Edgar Allan Poe Published a “CliffsNotes” Version of a Science Textbook & It Became His Only Bestseller (1839)  Open Culture


Twitter Sues Homeland Security over Free Speech Issue  Wired

The Future of Free Speech, Trolls, Anonymity and Fake News Online  Pew Research


In the wake of federal criticism of its accreditation standards, the American Bar Association sanctions another for-profit law school  Inside Higher Ed

When Copyright Criticism Is Something Else  The Illusion of More


Texas Baptist children’s home accused of sexual abuse and neglect  Star-Telegra

The Changing Global Religious Landscape: Babies born to Muslims will begin to outnumber Christian births by 2035  Pew Research  

How America’s evangelicals became a potent force A new history of “the most American religious group”, from the Great Awakening to the Reagan coalition and beyond  Economist

Christian Music in Trump's America: Two Artists on the Pressure to Keep Quiet  Billboard

How religious movies are thriving more than ever before under Trump  Business Insider

A resurgence of religious faith is changing China  Economist

What Would Jesus Disrupt? Entrepreneurs from Cincinnati’s Crossroads Church try to scale their startups without selling their souls  Bloomberg


Harvard Students Launch a Free Course on How to Resist Trump  Open Culture

As video games get better and job prospects worse, more young men are dropping out of the job market to spend their time in an alternate reality  1843 Magazine

QuickTake: Millennials  Bloomberg

20 Percent of Millennials Identify as LGBTQ  NBC News

Alienation 101: There were hopes that the flood of Chinese students into America would bring the countries closer but the opposite may have happened  1843 Magazine


The High (Dollar) Cost of Sexual Assault: Average of $350K  Inside Higher Ed

Laura Kipnis Tackles Campus Sexual Politics In 'Unwanted Advances'  NPR


How the GOP Could Use Science’s Reform Movement Against It: The principles of openness, transparency, and reproducibility might be weaponized to defund and deny research  The Atlantic


How hospitals could be rebuilt, better than before Technology could revolutionise the way they work  Economist

Before you send your spit to 23andMe, what you need to know  Stat News

Paralyzed Man Uses Thoughts To Control His Own Arm And Hand  NPR

Makers and distributors of opioid painkillers are under scrutiny How pharma may have contributed to America’s opioid crisis  Economist


You’re not as smart as you think you are Human cleverness arises from distributing knowledge between minds, making people think they know more than they do  Economist

We behave differently on different social media. Derek Thompson wonders whether we act up online or reveal our true nature  1843 Magazine

Treating depression is guesswork. Psychiatrists are beginning to crack the code  Vox


Use it or Lose it: Parts of the brain that are used to navigate and plan routes aren’t active when directions are fed to us  MIT Tech Review


An Introduction to Game Theory & Strategic Thinking: A Free Online Course from Yale University  Open Culture


When is it OK to shoot a child soldier?  Economist


Unreadable Science Abstracts  Inside Higher Ed

How a Browser Extension Could Shake Up Academic Publishing  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Bad Science and Good: Telling the Difference (video)  The Arthur Carter Institute of Journalism at New York University


Keeping Up With the Growing Threat to Data Security at Universities (sub. req'd.)  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Revising How We Teach Revision Skills  Chronicle of Higher Ed