articles of interest - wk of May 30


Google Lens Turns Your Camera Into a Search Box  Wired

The Washington Post is Using Augmented Reality to Let Audiences Explore Iconic Buildings With Their iPhone

Are AR and VR Only for Special Occasions? (opinion)  Techpinions

Getting Serious About Teen Smartphone Addiction  TechNewsWorld


An academic paper on when AI will pass human performance: a survey of experts  Arxiv   

Is Google's RankBrain about to get a new Machine Learning cousin?  Forbes

An entertaining look at 5 archetypes “each representing a sense in which the term data scientist is frequently used  KD Nuggets


The Rise and Fall of Yik Yak, the Anonymous Messaging App  New York Times


Here’s How Top Women’s Magazines Are Doing Online  WWD


What an academic hoax can teach us about journalism in the age of Trump  Harvard’s Nieman Lab

Google and Facebook Can’t Just Make Fake News Disappear  BackChannel

A Body-Slammed Reporter and the New American War on Journalism  Vice

Google News Labs unveils new visualization tool for journalists: Data Gif Maker  Talking News Media

I’m a reporter in Mexico. My life is in danger. The United States wouldn’t Give Me Asylum  Washington Post


Texas journalists collaborate on nonprofit to share data, enrich reporting  Columbia Journalism Review

Small Texas paper's name co-opted by Ukrainian site to peddle fake news   Dallas Morning News


What Universities can do about Digital Literacy in the Age of Fake News  PBS Media Shift

People Are Creating Their Own Fake News Stories And They’re Going Viral  Buzzfeed News

The Fake News Challenge Puts AI to the Test  PBS MediaShift


Your task as a strategist is simple: to see the differences between yourself and other people  Becoming (my blog)

Why It’s So Hard to Admit You’re Wrong  New York Times


Caltech Professor Who Harassed Women Was Also Investigated For Creating An Imaginary Female Researcher   BuzzFeed News

Gender Gap Persists In Science  Beyond the Bookcast

This woman’s sexual discrimination case against D.C. has lasted 27 years  Washington Post


Intermarriage in the U.S. 50 Years After Loving v. Virginia: One-in-six newlyweds are married to someone of a different race or ethnicity  Pew Research


Why We Dread Disability Myths  Chronicle of Higher Ed


'Hook 'em' or devil's sign? Pastor Joel Osteen caught in online tangle after UT graduation photo  Dallas Morning News

Why Fake News and Fake (Evangelical) Religion Endures (opinion)  Franky Schaeffer

Saddleback Church youth mentor arrested on suspicion of lewd acts with 2 boys  OC Register

Richard Dawkins On Terrorism And Religion  NPR

Mainstream rap has grown more Christian. So why is Christian rap going maianstream  Religious News


PayPal sues Pandora over confusingly similar logos  Engadget

Visit a New Digital Archive of 2.2 Million Images from the First Hundred Years of Photography  Open Culture


Google’s AI Invents Sounds Humans Have Never Heard Before  Wired

Why Catchy Songs Get Stuck in Our Brains: New Study Explains the Science of Earworms  Open Culture


Creationist geologist sues U.S. park service after it rejects request to collect samples in Grand Canyon   Science Mag


Adult ADHD Can't Be Diagnosed With A Simple Screening Test, Doctors Warn  NPR

Does living in a city make you psychotic?  Stat News


Why Does the World’s Leading Philosopher Remain a Catholic?  Patheos

Alvin Plantinga: The Atheists’ Unicorn  Context


Stanford Researchers Discover a Smarter Way to Prepare for Exams: Introducing MetaCognition, the Art of Thinking About Your Thinking  Open Culture


When misconduct occurs, how should journals and institutions work together?  Retraction Watch

Ollie’s on the editorial board of seven journals, maybe because she always obeys a “sit” command. She’s a dog, and the heart of a journal sting  Doctor Portal

The Library of Congress Just Made 25 Million Records Available for Free  Fortune


How Finland Created One of the Best Educational Systems in the World (by Doing the Opposite of U.S.)  Open Culture

Accreditation Is Broken. Time to Repair It  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Why Are Colleges So Hostile to Fantasy Writers?  Wired


Free Speech Advocate On The State Of College Campuses  NPR


Hacker breaks into Harvard student paper to troll Mark Zuckerberg  The Verge


How Successful Valedictorians Are After High School  TIME

Mark Zuckerberg tells Harvard grads that automation will take jobs, and it’s up to millennials to create more  Washington Post

Teachers disciplined after naming student 'most likely to become a terrorist' KHOU

Why the Teen Summer Job Is Disappearing  WSJ


How Baylor’s First Female President Plans to Move Past the Sex-Assault Scandals  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Professor told he's not safe on campus after college protests  King5

Student Mob Shrieks at Professor Who Objected to Event That Kicks White People Off Campus for a Day  Heat Street