articles of interest - June 5


How To Network On Instagram DM  Medium

Snapchat for Old People  PBS Media Shift

Snapchat opens the floodgates to bad ads  Digiday


Spinal Tap vs. Hollywood  GQ

Court Says Facebook Can Block Parents From Deceased Teen’s Account  Vocativ

Korematsu v. US and the travel-ban case: the chance to overrule a widely reviled decision that has never been officially overruled  Politico


Mary Meeker’s 2017 internet trends report: All the slides, plus analysis  Recode

A digital camera and some clever maths can find a “fingerprint” that is unique to any given sheet of paper  Economist


The government is spying on journalists to find leakers  New York Post

The problem with data journalism is politics (opinion)  PBS Media Shift

A Pro-Trump Writer Just Sued A Fusion Reporter For Accusing Her Of Making A "White Supremacist" Gesture   BuzzFeed News

121 Right-leaning advocacy group wants its $115K back from UT journalism professor  Knox News

Circulation, revenue fall for US newspapers overall  Pew Research

How to report on algorithms even if you’re not a data whiz  Columbia Journalism Review

Newseum chief fears for future of journalism  The Guardian

The AP Stylebook now includes new guidelines on data (requesting it, scraping it, reporting on it, and publishing it)  Harvard’s Nieman Lab


Online news outlets employing more women than print, TV Columbia Journalism Review


Facebook Shareholders Are Not Happy With How It’s Handling Fake News   Washington Post

Craig From Craigslist Takes Role in Fighting Fake News  The Ringer


The Most Common Words That People Don't Know How To Spell In Every State  Digg

After Months of Trolling Trump Merriam Webster has no words about Covfefe  Washington Post


Want to be a better writer? Try letting a robot tell you what to do  Quzrtz


Some of the top political science journals are biased against women. Here’s the evidence  Washington Post

Google searches involving the N-word was the variable that outperformed others in the Republican 2016 primaries in predicting which geographic areas would support Trump  Economist


College Access Index Shows Shrinking Levels Of Economic Diversity  NPR

Students demand firing of Evergreen State professor, Supporters say he’s the one upholding principles of equity and free speech  Inside Higher Ed


Airbnb guests who disclose a disability are less likely to be approved for a room and more likely to be outright rejected  New York Times


Interview With NC Student Whose School Canceled the Yearbook Because of Her Donald Trump Senior Quote  The National Coalition Against Censorship

Trump Supporters Accuse Liberal Communities Of Hostility Towards Free Speech  NPR


Machine learning comes to Google Sheets, boosting data visualization for users  Tech Republic

NGA, NRO, NSA joining DoD In Silicon Valley  Breaking Defense

Big data will “revolutionise social science just as the microscope & telescope transformed the natural sciences”  Economist  

The New Yorker offers a “practical guide” on “How to Call B.S. on Big Data”  The New Yorker

An academic paper surveys the recent advances in big learning with Bayesian methods  National Science Review

Google Sheets now uses Machine Learning to help you visualize your data  Tech Crunch

Similarities between quantum Machine Learning algorithms and their classical counterparts


Supreme Court exempts church-affiliated hospitals from pension law  Reuters

BuzzFeed Shines a Light on the Shortcomings of Christian Health Insurance Providers  BuzzFeed News

Gay man says church members beat, choked him for hours to expel ‘homosexual demons  Washington Post

Muslims and Islam: Key findings in the U.S. and around the world  Pew Research

Wendell Burton, Actor and Megachurch Minister, Dies at 69  New York Times

Largest Methodist Congregation in Mississippi Withdraws Denomination  Christian Post

$2 million jury award to Trinity Broadcasting founder’s granddaughter  My News LA


This site expertly pairs fonts using machine learning  The Next Web

A workflow enabled by powerful artificial intelligence technologies  Photo District News

Artists May Have Different Brains (More Grey Matter) Than the Rest of Us, According to a Recent Scientific Study  Open Culture


Sgt. Pepper's' At 50: Why The Beatles' Masterpiece Can't Be Replicated  NPR

Using Music And Rhythm To Develop Grammar  NPR

The History of Punk Rock in 200 Tracks: An 11-Hour Playlist Takes You From 1965 to 2016  Open Culture


Scientific integrity: dropping points  EuroScientist Journal

Crispr’s Next Big Debate: How Messy Is Too Messy?  Wired

20,000 Endangered Archaeological Sites Now Catalogued in a New Online Database  Open Culture


Babies’ face scans detect exposure to low amounts of alcohol in utero  Stat News


Popular People Live Longer  New York Times

Personality traits don’t simply affect your outlook on life, but the way you perceive reality  Quartz


 Primates Recognize Faces Instantly Using Specialized Neurons  NPR


Blame The Top 20 Percent, Not The 1 Percent, Author Argues  NPR


The days of academics devoting months to recruiting a small number of undergraduates to perform a single test will come to an end  The Economist

Evaluating research ethics: Study finds most universities lack best practices in NSF-mandated research integrity plans  West Virginia University

Fake science publisher accepts (again) a paper already exposed as 'pile of dung'  Ottawa Citizen

The Reproducibility Of Research And The Misinterpretation Of P Values bioRxiv  The Economist


Let go of your bitterness and desire for retaliation  Becoming (my blog)

How the Self-Esteem Craze Took Over America  New York Mag


These Campus Inquisitions Must Stop: the recent ugliness at Evergreen State College (opinion)  New York Times

Leaked Trump Rule: Any Religious Employer Can Opt Out of Contraception Coverage “including Christian colleges”  Christianity Today

Student at Catholic school Told To Condemn Homosexuality Pens 127-Page ‘Gay Marriage Is Fabulous’ Essay Instead  Scary Mamma


Humanities Majors Drop but trends at community colleges may cheer advocates for the liberal arts  Inside Higher Ed


No, Student Evaluations Aren’t “Worthless”  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Kate Snow Sees ‘a Direct Line’ Between Cornell’s Off-Campus Radio, Her Career  NBC News


It probably doesn't matter where you went to college — here's why  Business Insider

How First-Generation Students See College (The New York Times asked several first-generation students who are campus journalists to interview their first-generation classmates about challenges they've faced)  New York Times

Are esports the next major league sport?  The Conversation

Shifting Incomes for Young People  Flowing Data


Why Academic Freedom Should Be Covered at Freshman Orientation  Chronicle of Higher Ed