articles of interest - wk of July 24


The implications of deploying Blockchain's decentralised list-keeping technology to replace aspects of government  Economist

Artificial intelligence is guesswork: A Bloomberg quicktake on AI  Bloomberg

Apple launches a machine learning blog focused on research papers and the company’s findings  TechCrunch

Quantum computing is coming for your data - and it may take decades for the hack to come to fruition  Wired

Google releases facets: a visualization tool for big data  Infoq


Wanna Help Self-Driving Cars? Turn on Your Phone's Camera  Wired

How Cyber Criminals Are Targeting You Through Text Messages  NBC News

Microsoft Paint to be killed off after 32 years  The Guardian

We’re moving toward a cashless society, and lots of people are going to be left behind  ReCode


Amazon launches shopping social network Spark for iOS  Reuters

Twitter says it’s punishing 10 times more users for being abusive than it was a year ago  Recode


The Renaissance of the Humble Radio Drama: The medium offers unique opportunities for minority voices and independent creators  Slate


Ranking Websites by Demographics   Quantcast

With its new feed, Google is preparing for the end of search  Mashable


The Sinclair Revolution Will Be Televised. It’ll Just Have Low Production Values  Bloomberg

Google's been running a secret test to detect bogus ads — and its findings should make the industry nervous  Business Insider

Only Two-Fifths Of Ad Execs Say Their Agencies Don't Take Kickbacks  Media Post

Media Companies Lose Out As Advertisers Promote Their Stories on Facebook   BuzzFeed News


Making a Correction 100 years later: A Hot Dog is not a Sandwich  Courier-Journal

Google’s New Feeds Show You the Internet You Want to See  Wired

Q&A: ProPublica’s Lena Groeger on data visualization and writing about design  Columbia Journalism Review

Facebook Updates the ‘Journalism Project’ to Fight Fake News  Fortune

The updated ‘Bloomberg Way’ style guide focuses on best practices for data and multiplatform journalism  Poynter

The War on the Freedom of Information Act  The Atlantic

Comic Book Journalists Discuss the Pitfalls of the Job And How To Break Into The Industry  Bleeding Cool


NBC has 30 employees working on a daily news show exclusively for Snapchat  Recode

Confessions of a New York Times Copy Editor: I hardly had time to go to the bathroom  New York Times

Journalism is a public service. Why don’t we fund it like one?  Columbia Journalism Review

Snopes, in Heated Legal Battle, Asks for Funds to Survive  New York Times


The 5 Best Apps for Sketching on an iPad Pro  Wired


 Getting Clarity on What’s Important  Becoming (my blog)


Wisconsin company says it will put Microchips in employees  BBC

Leadership: Reshaping Business Culture for a digital age  McKinsey & Company

The company isn’t a family  Signal v Noise

How Mobile Devices Perpetuate Weak Business Models  Scholarly Kitchen


Historical Plaque Memorializes the Time Jack Kerouac & William S. Burroughs Came to Blows Over the Oxford Comma (Or Not)  Open Culture


The death of reading is threatening the soul (opinion: Phillip Yancey)  Washington Post

Of fake PR, serial commas, and four-letter words (opinion)  Saipan Tribune


Why do humans speak so many languages?  Quartz

Correct Latin word installed on UT memorial to Tower sniper’s victims  Austin Statesman

Hemingway’s Cuban English  Chronicle of Higher Ed

The Accent Whisperers of Hollywood New York Times

Why it’s so hard to teach English-as-a-second-language students how to use a, an, and the,  Chronicle of Higher Ed

What Do You Call This Hat?The strange case of the knit cap and its many, many regional names  Atlas Obscura

Generic-you has important implications for how people derive meaning from experience  Science Mag


Amazon launched 22 years ago this week — here's what shopping on Amazon was like back in 1995  Business Insider

On Teaching, but Not Loving, Jane Austen  The Atlantic


Months After ‘Transracialism’ Flap, Controversy Still Rages at Feminist Philosophy Journal  Chronicle of Higher Ed

No one is well-served by sexism in Japan  Economist


Sikh Scholar Harassed Over Photo of Another Man in Turban  Inside Higher Ed

The Largest U.S. Latino Advocacy Group Changes Its Name, Sparking Debate  NPR


After Supreme Court Decision, People Race To Trademark Racially Offensive Words  NPR


A breakdown of Beyoncé’s revenue shows how little musicians make out of streaming  Quartz

How SoundCloud's broken business model drove artists away  The Verge

Hip-hop is bigger than rock music for the first time, thanks to nobody buying albums  Quartz

Making Music and Art Through Machine Learning  Y Combinator

A Single Life: An Oscar-Nominated Short About How Vinyl Records Can Take Us Magically Through Time  Open Culture


The Field Study Handbook  Wired


Just Thinking That You're Slacking On Exercise Could Boost Risk Of Death  NPR

Surgery Is One Hell Of A Placebo  FiveThirtyEight

The Pentagon’s handling of munitions and their waste has poisoned millions of acres, and left Americans to guess at the threat to their health   ProPublica

Study combines neuroimaging with machine learning to predict, with 96% accuracy, whether high-risk 6-month-old babies will develop autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by age 2   SharpBrains

Most people addicted to opioids receive no treatment  Economist

Protecting interns and other physicians from depression and suicide (opinion) Stat News


Ten Simple Rules for Scientific Fraud & Misconduct  HAL

I’m a Scientist and the Trump Administration Reassigned Me for Speaking up About Climate Change  Washington Post

The Rich get Richer: Relatively few NIH grantees get lion’s share of agency’s funding  Science Mag

Some scientists hate NIH’s new definition of a clinical trial  Science Mag


The Emerging Science of Computational PsychiatryMachine learning, data mining, and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing the study and understanding of mental illness  MIT Technology Review

Psychology’s Replication Crisis and the Grant Culture: Righting the Ship  Sage Publication

A psychologist explains the hard limits of human compassion  Vox

New report on mental health on college campuses: Colleges: colleges, are struggling to provide adequate mental-health services for students  National Council on Disability


Upholding Research Integrity and Publishing Ethics  Wiley

So-called Scientific journals accept a Star Wars-themed spoof paper  Discover Magazine


Mother makes plea to parents over treatment of her special needs son at church Huffington Post

The age of white Christian America is ending. Here's how it got there  Vox

ASU sanctions church for misconduct

Revisiting Ayn Rand’s anti-religious philosophy  Religion News Service

Is Surfing More Sport or Religion?  The Atlantic

Christian theme park claims it is ‘taking back’ the rainbow from the LGBTQ   Sacramento Bee


Wright State University makes million-dollar boosts to athletics spending while cutting every category of academic funding Inside Higher Ed

Troubled Colleges Rebrand Under Faux-Latin Names   BuzzFeed

Minority serving institutions Completion Rates Higher Than Federal Data Indicate  American Council on Education

Small Christian College Faces More Turmoil in Response to Firing of Much-Loved Longtime Prof  Inside Higher Ed


Student slams Tex-Mex food in college newspaper, Texans shut her down  Click2Houston


Stop Telling Students Free Speech Is Traumatizing Them  NY Mag

It started when a student corrected his ex’s grammar and tweeted about it. Now he is suspended, and lawyers say First Amendment issues are at stake  Inside Higher Ed

Suspensions for College Students Who Thwarted Free Speech  The Atlantic

Claremont college suspends students for demonstration against pro-police speaker  LA Times

It's Disadvantaged Groups That Suffer Most When Free Speech Is Curtailed on Campus  The Atlantic

How powerful people use criminal-defamation laws to silence their critics  Economist


Millennials have a Netflix account. Gen Z is playing video games  Recode

Univ. of Central Florida reverses position on student suspended over viral tweet about ex-girlfriend  USA Today

College Savings Advice (opinion)  New York Times

Few student-athletes with mental illness seek help  USA Today


Betsy DeVos Is Right: Sexual Assault Policy Is Broken (opinion)  The New York Times

Catholic University found him responsible for a sexual assault. Now he’s suing the school  Washington Pose

Media Circus Surrounding “Mattress Girl” Case Changes Conversation on Sexual Assault  Inside Higher Ed


Cal State Fullerton reinstates part-time professor after arbitrator finds no evidence that he attempted to hit a student at a pro-Trump event, as was alleged when he was fired by the university  Inside Higher Ed

BYU adjunct: I was fired for Facebook post asserting that homosexuality and transgenderism are not sins  Washington Post