articles of interest - August 7


Facebook is starting to put more posts from local politicians into people’s News Feed  Recode

Twitter is testing a $99 per month subscription that could get you more followers  Business Insider


Adobe Premiere Clip 101: Editing your videos on your Smartphone   Gadget Hacks

RED Hydrogen One $1,200 smartphone revealed in MKBHD video  Business Insider

How to Get the Perfect Eclipse Shot Using Your Smartphone  Wired

10 Things We Learned Producing a Podcast at a University  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Use the Wayback Machine to Save Your Favorite Sites Forever  LifeHacker


How to make soldiers’ brains better at noticing threats  Economist

How Two Brothers Turned Seven Lines of Code Into a $9.2 Billion Startup  Bloomberg

Inside Andy Rubin's Quest to Create an OS for Everything  Wired

Google Earth Is Trying To Help Stop Slavery In India  Vocativ


Pew’s Digital News Fact Sheet tracks the growth of mobile ads and Facebook’s growing share  Talking New Media


China's Few Investigative Journalists Face Increasing Challenges  NPR

How BuzzFeed News revealed hidden spy planes in US airspace with a machine-learning algorithm  Columbia Journalism Review

These are the most — and the least — trusted news sources in the U.S.  MarketWatch

Local TV station records lawsuit underscores North Carolina’s text message troubles  Columbia Journalism Review


Snopes is owed money, but question remains over how much  Union Tribune

Snopes won the first round in the battle for its site. Round two begins today  Poynter

How the blockchain could save journalism’s business model


Why Americans Get Conned Again and Again: Their admiration for ingenuity and gumption leaves room for opportunists  The Atlantic

FBI tracked 'fake news' believed to be from Russia on Election Day  CNN


The decision that most affects your happiness  Becoming (my blog)

Kids need structure more than warmth from their parents  Quartz

How Information Overload Robs Us of Our Creativity: What the Scientific Research Shows  Open Culture

When Public Speaking, Look at Individuals Instead of the Entire Group  Life Hacker

Scientists made people turn off their notifications for a day, and saw an effect years later  Quartz


Policing people’s grammar online is never really about grammar  Quartz

My new pet peeve is the past perfect (opinion)   Chronicle of Higher Ed


On Writing: Anne Lamott  Chronicle of Higher Ed


The rising usage of swear words in literature suggests that American society is becoming increasingly individualistic


Free: You Can Now Read Classic Books by MIT Press on  Open Culture

‘Dictionary of American Regional English’ Speaks!  Chronicle of Higher Ed

The New PEN America Digital Archive: 1,500 Hours of Audio & Video Featuring 2,200 Eminent Writers  Open Culture


Male and female journalists still aren’t paid the same. When and how can we demand change?  Poynter

Medicine Is Getting More Precise … For White People  FiveThirtyEight


The Asian Bachelorette (comedy video)  Wong Fu Productions

Justice Department To Probe Universities Over Affirmative Action Policies  NPR

Sikhs in America: Hate Crime Victims and Bias  ProPublica


Campus free speech bill becomes law in North Carolina  The FIRE


Couple Who Declined to Pay Their Wedding Photographer $125 Are Ordered to Pay $1 Million  People  

ACLU Defends John Oliver Against Coal Baron With Hilarious Brief  Huffington Post

A legal battle that's got something for historians, grammar nerds, activists, and copyright nuts: The fight over an iconic civil rights anthem  Hollywood Reporter

The Star Wars Video That Baffled YouTube's Copyright Cops  Wired

National Enquirer Argues False Stories About Celebrity Sex Changes Can't Be Defamatory  Hollywood Reporter

U.S. Supreme Court ruling leads to offensive trademark requests  Reuters

Judge Rules KickassTorrents Founder Properly Charged With Criminal Copyright Conspiracy  Hollywood Reporter


The limitations of Big Data are based within “messy data”  Fortune

AI and music-will machines soon be composing symphonies & hit singles-will we become slaves to the algorithm?  The Guardian

To get computers to think like humans, we need an AI paradigm that reflects top-down knowledge  New York Times

UK big data firm claiming role in Trump & Brexit successes now playing part in African elections  BBC

Can data predict fashion trends? Technology may be disrupting a peculiar business   Economist

Quantum world causality: A new model extends the definition of causality to quantum-mechanical systems

Why China’s AI push is worrying: state-controlled corporations are developing powerful artificial intelligence  Economist

How data science can help us fight human trafficking   The Conversation


WWE Has Successfully Trademarked The Term ‘3:16’  UpRoxx

Jesus Responds To The WWE Trademarking Bible Verse '3:16' on Colbert Show (video)  YouTube

Israeli Authorities Arrest Antiquities Dealers In Connection With Hobby Lobby Scandal Parallels  NPR

I'm a black pastor. Here's why I'm staying in the Southern Baptist  Washington Post

Does the Bible say there's oil in Israel? Thousands are paying a Dallas company to find out  Dallas News

Assemblies of God national office named in Oregon child sex abuse lawsuit  News-Leader

Why Are There No New Major Religions?  The Atlantic

Only Christians can own cottages at this idyllic Michigan resort   MLive


The No. 1 Reason Churches End Up in Court Is No Longer Child Abuse  Christianity Today

Christians more than twice as likely to blame a person’s poverty on lack of effort  Washington Post

Robbing God, Literally: 1 in 10 Protestant Churches Experience Embezzlement  Christianity Today

The Pay Gap Is Worse for Pastor-Moms  Christianity Today


Trump can’t Save Christian America (opinion)  New York Times


Accidental Wes Anderson: Every Place in the World with a Wes Anderson Aesthetic Gets Documented by Reddit  Open Culture

Why everybody liked Norman Rockwell And why it is probably impossible for a visual artist to have such broad appeal in America now  Economist

3D Scans of 7,500 Famous Sculptures, Statues & Artworks: Download & 3D Print Rodin’s Thinker, Michelangelo’s David & More  Open Culture


How Leonard Cohen & David Bowie Faced Death Through Their Art: A Look at Their Final Albums  Open Culture

AI and music: will we be slaves to the algorithm?  The Guardian

What Music Do Americans Love the Most? 50 Detailed Fan Maps  New York Times


How to Handle Inappropriate Job Interview Questions  Life Hacker


Unexpected protection A chance finding may lead to a treatment for multiple sclerosis  Economist

How To Watch The 2017 Solar Eclipse  NPR

Why the ‘gold standard’ of medical research is no longer enough  Stat News 

Baylor should put the brakes on claims based on a tiny study of breast cancer and extrapolated benefits  Health News Review


Darpa Wants to Build a BS Detector for Science  Wired

In Breakthrough, Scientists Edit a Dangerous Mutation From Genes in Human Embryos  New York Times 

The rise of unproven stem cell therapies turned this obscure scientist into an industry watchdog  Science Mag

The Eclipse of 1878 Almost Killed the Father of the National Weather Service  Atlas Obscura


How to fix the academic peer review system (opinion)  GroundUp

A routine check for Image Manipulation in Research  Springer

Can PhD Students Write Review Papers?  Discover Magazine


University presidents often seem to struggle to issue apologies in controversial cases, but some say they tend to have reason to be cautious  Inside Higher Ed

Trinity Loses Donations, Students After Professor’s Facebook Posts  Hartford Courant

What’s Next on Title IX: Little Appetite for Rollback of Obama Guidelines  Inside Higher Ed

Wichita State University’s name is misspelled on its water tower  Kansas

Justice Dept to investigate the affirmative-action policies of colleges and universities to see if they discriminate against white students  New York Times

How The For-Profit College Art Institutes Found A Savior With Christian Roots  BuzzFeed


Snapchat is working with college newspapers to produce local Discover Stories   The Verge

95-Year-Old Woman Finally Got Her College Diploma And Is Now Moving Back In With Her Parents  Chick Hole

Oklahoma College Newspaper to Begin Charging for Content  Cleveland Leader

University of Central Missouri's student newspaper on hold for the year after budget shortfall  Student Press Law Center


The digital native is a myth: The younger generation uses technology in the same ways as older people — and is no better at multitasking  Nature

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? (written by a SD State professor)  The Atlantic

Nightclub and dorm footage clears USC student of rape  Daily Mail

Millennials Are Uncertain, Not Entitled   Huffington Post

Millennials Are Blamed for a Lot of Things but They’re Reviving the Vinyl Record Industry  Fortune


Federal Sex-Assault Investigations Are Being Resolved More Often. These 11 Cases Show How  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Sex trafficking operation: More than 1,000 arrests across US  CNN

College journalist nabs $2k award for reporting on campus sexual harassment  USA Today


A Caltech Professor Who Harassed Two Female Students Has Resigned  BuzzFeed

Rutgers prof removed from classroom after controversy over 'threatening' tweets  New

New book tries to help readers cope with that faculty colleague who never liked a new idea or offered to help  Inside Higher Ed

Arrest warrant issued for Northwestern professor in Near North Side stabbing death  Chicago Tribune

University of Kentucky faculty member files federal civil rights lawsuit: School officials fired following criticism the Gov’s Medicaid waiver proposal

The University Of Washington Just Fired A Tenured Professor For The First Time  BuzzFeed

Fresno State Removes Adjunct after Anti-Trump Tweets   Inside Higher Ed