Articles of Interest - Jan 22


Photo format from Google and Mozilla could outdo Apple and JPEG  CNET

This tool makes editing podcasts just as easy as editing text  Poynter

How charities are harnessing the power of VR  The Daily Dot


Social media is making you miserable. Here’s how to delete your accounts  PopSci

How to prepare for the removal of publisher posts from Facebook’s news feed  Medium

Hard Questions: Social Media and Democracy  Facebook Newsroom

Here’s why people on Twitter are seeing news alerts that they didn’t ask for  Recode

Saving Our Children From Smartphones  Monday Note


Fake apps can steal your information. Here's how to detect them  Poynter  

Ways to keep your data safe while traveling  Tech Republic


Which email greeting generates the best response rate?  The Atlas


The era of the cloud’s total dominance is drawing to a close  The Economist 

Top Tech books of 2017: Part I  Wired 

The Top Tech Books of 2017: Part II  Wired

Chinese tech companies plan to steal American cloud firms’ thunder: Alibaba aims at matching or surpassing Amazon Web Services by 2019  The Economist

Are programs better than people at predicting reoffending? The short answer is that the two are about the same  The Economist


Everything you need to know about FOIA  Washington Post (FB page video)

Mr. President: Stop Attacking the Press (by Sen. John McCain)  MSNBC

Many in other countries follow news about US closely  Pew Research Center

Dealing with the word 's***hole'  Union Tribune

Southern California is about to experience a journalism vacuum  Medium

Quiz: How well can you identify news trends?  Washington Post

Eight journalists enter 2018 facing criminal charges  RTDNA

There's hope for journalism in the digital age, says Bloomberg's co-founder  The National

As technology develops, so must journalists’ codes of ethics  The Guardian

BuzzFeed is asking readers for questions about the news  BuzzFeed News

The biggest risk to American journalism isn't posed by Trump  The Guardian


‘The Post’ inspiration even for those not working in media   College Media Review 

Pitts: ‘The Post’ offers a timely reminder of what journalism is all about  Mercury News


Accusations Of 'Frat House' Behavior Trail 'LA Times' Publisher's Career  NPR

Editorial backing Trump in ‘shithole’ controversy sparks outrage among newspaper staff  Politico 

Why I’m Done Working In Sports Journalism  Medium

HuffPost: The End Of Citizen Journalism?  Forbes


A dangerous fake news story about flu shots spread like a virus on Facebook  Fast Company

Americans See More News Bias; Most Can't Name Neutral Source  Gallup

Who Do Americans Believe Is the Most Objective News Source?  Ad Week

The (almost) complete history of 'fake news'  BBC

San Diego Library to Combat ‘Fake News’ with Workshop Series  Times of San Diego

Tech Companies Working On Fixes For Fake News As Midterms Approach  NP


5 Lessons Algorithms Must Learn From Journalism: Flipboard's CEO on the importance of bringing humanity to automation  AdWeek

Algorithms Are Opinions Embedded in Code  Scholarly Kitchen

Five of the most innovative use cases for machine learning coming to your business life sooner than you think  Entrepreneur

NGIA staffers are concerned that AI is not yet advanced enough to truly replace most aspects of human analysis  Business Insider

Does Big Data Belong in Courtrooms? Research shows even the best algorithms are no better than humans at predicting recidivism—& neither are very good  Pacific Standard

After decades of AI being viewed as a "future" concept, is it time for your org to finally invest real dollars for real AI applications?  Information Week

Data integrity is becoming all the more important in analysis and validation   KD Nuggets

AI deep neural network model beats humans in reading test: Alibaba says it’s the first time a machine has out-done a real person in such a contest Bloomberg


This TV Interview Of A Burglary Suspect Should Be In The News Blooper Hall Of Fame  Digg

Florida Man Arrested For Fried Chicken Attack On His Girlfriend  The Smoking Gun

Doughnut-eating contest winner arrested again after doughnut shop robbery  Pilot Online

Lighthearted vigil for burned down Taco Bell draws more than 100  Press Herald


This is Daring Greatly  Becoming (my blog)

How To Tell If You've Had An Emotionally Healthy Childhood  Digg


Following Up on ‘Off Of’ Chronicle of Higher Ed

The Quotable Guide to Punctuation is entirely devoted to the deployment of punctuation marks  Chronicle of Higher Ed


When Is a New Word New? It’s harder than ever nowadays to decide whether a coinage is really new  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Personal pronouns are changing fast: How transgender rights are changing language  The Economist

Naughty Words: Language’s power to shock is one of its strongest weapons, so what happens after we don’t blink an eye?  Chronicle of Higher Ed


A timely history of poop jokes in English  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Life Lessons From Chinese Children's Books Differ From Those In The U.S.  NPR

The Lost Giant of American Literature: A major black novelist made a remarkable début. How did he disappear?  The New Yorker


Gender Bias, by the Numbers  Inside Higher Ed


The Race Beat, Revisited   Harvard’s Nieman Reports

Key findings about U.S. immigrants  Pew Research Center 


A Forgotten First Amendment Hero  New York Law Journal

Fox Argues Muhammad Ali Super Bowl Segment Is Free Speech Hollywood Reporter

The End of Academe: Free Speech and the Silencing of Dissent  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Court rejects LA College’s attempt to dismiss lawsuit against its tiny ‘free speech zone’  The FIRE


Justice Department Sides With Archdiocese in Lawsuit Against Metro  Washingtonian

As Super Bowl Approaches, Be Careful what you say about the Game  Broadcast Law Blog

Has This Court Decision Rendered the Creative Commons License Unenforceable?  Office of Copyright 

These Trump Tweets Are ‘Not Law,’ Harvard Law Review Study Says  National Law Journal

Breakthrough brings non-addictive opioid alternatives a step closer  The Guardian

How Donald Trump Could Mess With Libel Laws  Hollywood Reporter


Gospel Singer Kidnapped, Beaten and Robbed  Knox News

Mile High City plays host to Gay Christian Network conference  Denver Post

Hobby Lobby Surrenders 245 More Iraq Artifacts From Smuggled Cache to Federal Government  Newsweek

Popular pastor at North Park University is suspended for officiating gay wedding  Chicago Tribune

Mysterious Dead Sea Scroll deciphered in Israel  BBC 

Satanic Temple challenges Missouri’s abortion law on religious grounds  NBC News

American religious groups vary widely in their views of abortion  Pew Research


'$*!*holes' sign outside Dallastown church is about theology, not politics, pastor says  York Daily Record

Former President Carter writing book about religious faith  Associated Press

Madison-based group sues HUD, Ben Carson over records on White House Bible study  Wisconsin Gazette

Trump’s Health Department Expected to Declare Life Begins at Conception, Turn Evangelical Positions Into Policy  Newsweek

The religious activists on the rise inside Trump's health department  Politico

The Trump evangelicals have lost their gag reflex (opinion)  Washington Post 


Televangelist Kenneth Copeland giggles with glee as he unveils new $3 million private jet paid for by donations from his followers  Daily Mail

Luis Palau Reveals Stage 4 Lung Cancer, Asks for Prayer  Christianity Today

Interview with Megachurch pastor edited to hide what he said about sexual encounter with teen  The Wartburg Watch


Giorgio Vasari, the man who created art history: His magnum opus tells you as much about him as it does about the artists he described  The Economist

10,000 Classic Movie Posters Getting Digitized & Put Online  Open Culture

The Artist Transporting Figures from Art History into Modern Life   Artsy

Enroll in Seven Free Courses From the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)  Open Culture


Benny Goodman Takes Jazz From The Nightclubs To The Concert Halls  NPR

25 Essential Music Podcasts  Pigeons and Planes  Pigeons and Planes

A YouTube Channel Completely Devoted to Medieval Sacred Music: Hear Gregorian Chant, Byzantine Chant & More  Open Culture

Is Vinyl’s Comeback Here to Stay?  Pitchfork


When the President Uses a Profanity, What Can Broadcast News Do?   Broadcast Law Blog

As TV viewership changes, TV newsrooms must too  RTDNA

How Small Publishers Can Survive and Thrive After Facebook’s News Feed Change  PBS Media Shift


Student newspaper story about new university president shakes the campus community  The Ithacan


Study: while completing college results in improved mental health for graduates of all races, the improvement does not necessarily extend to physical health PNAS

Amazon's Bezos to give $33M for 1,000 Dreamer scholarships  Politico

Eclipsed by urban counterparts, rural nonwhites go to college at equally low rates  Hechinger Report

Expelled student sues College for reinstatement: He accuses the institution of expelling him unfairly last year and violating his Title IX rights  The Dartmouth

'Adolescence now lasts from 10 to 24'  BBC News

Study: Millennials are more likely than Gen Xers to be perfectionists  Quartz 

Students should be paid to study  Huff Post


'Beauty Myth' Writer Says Yale Blocked Harassment Claim against famed literary critic and English professor Harold Bloom  New York Times

Many People With Intellectual Disabilities Face Sexual Abuse; Two Therapists Discuss The Impact  NPR

In Their Words, Adults With Intellectual Disabilities Tell Their Sexual Assault Stories  NPR

Congress Is Demanding Answers about how federal science agencies are dealing with sexual harassment in the institutions they fund  BuzzFeed News

The #MeToo movement arrives in China  The Economist

#MeToo shakes sports industry  Sports Business Daily

How #MeToo really was different, according to data  Washington Post


Yale settles with student who cited false sex-assault claim  Associated Press

Title IX Failures: Buffalo State failed to investigate an alleged sexual assault or respond to a female athlete’s requests  Inside Higher Ed


Ph.D.s Are Still Writing Poorly, Part 3  Chronicle of Higher Ed

U. of Arizona Provost Steps Down After Suit Claims ‘Demeaning’ Treatment of Female Deans  Chronicle of Higher Ed


 Something doesn’t ad up about America’s advertising market  The Economist

Our Big Mac index shows fundamentals now matter more in currency markets  The Economist

Photos: Here’s what the new Amazon Go cashierless convenience store looks like  Recode 


NPR’s story on weight loss surgery in teens: Cost info would have improved a well-reported story  Health News Review

What Fitbit's 6 billion nights of sleep data reveals about us  Yahoo News

NY Times ‘Well’ section continues to mislead readers — this time on facial exercises that ‘may make you look 3 years younger’  Health News Review

Breakthrough brings non-addictive opioid alternatives a step closer  The Guardian

How well can you predict the outcome of clinical trials? Not as well as you may think  Stat News


A Flu Pandemic Today Could Kill As Many As 80 Million People  Scientific American

Confusion reigns on Good Morning America’s ‘complementary natural’ flu remedies report  Health News Review

As Flu Season Strains Hospitals, Doctor Offers Advice For How To Stay Healthy  NPR

How to Avoid Getting the Flu on an Airplane  Life Hacker 

The Flu Pandemic of 1918, As Reported in 1918  Jstor


Raising a Social-Media Star: The parents of teen internet celebrities get a crash course in a new kind of fame  The Atlantic

The diabolical genius of the baby advice industry  The Guardian

How To Parent From Prison And Other Advice For Life Inside  NPR

How to Raise a ProdigyCan achievement be engineered?  The New Yorker


For the first time, China has overtaken the US in terms of the total number of science publications  Nature

Many interested in environment see following science news as a duty  Pew Research Center

The Rise and Fall of China’s Science Superstar  Sixth Tone


Is everything you think you know about depression wrong?  The Guardian


Wall Street's Bill Miller gave Johns Hopkins' philosophy department $75 million  Quartz

Investor's $75M gift to Johns Hopkins said to be largest ever to a philosophy department  USA Today

Philosopher of the month: Jean-Jacques Rousseau  OUP Blog

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Handwritten Syllabus & Final Exam for the Philosophy Course He Taught at Morehouse College  Open Culture


Want to Fall Asleep Faster? Add This Tweak To Your Bedtime Routine  Mental Floss

Daniel Pink's 'When' Shows the Importance Of Timing Throughout Life  NPR


As news outlets ramp up their use of native advertising, the industry must set ground rules and establish a common code of ethics  Harvard's Nieman Report


Retracted Publications in Mental Health Literature: Discovery across Bibliographic Platforms  Journal of Liberianship & Scholarly Communication

A journal has canceled a special issue after it discovered the guest editor provided fake credentials  The Scientist

Pressure to publish in the biomedical scientific field: Ethical conflicts or a possible obsessive-compulsive disorder?  European Journal of Internal Medicine

A paper showing how to make a smallpox cousin just got published. Critics wonder why  Science Mag

HHS Delays Compliance Date for Revised Common Rule  Ropes & Gray

Malaysia launches a new national Code of Responsible Conduct in Research  New Straits Times

Make replication studies ‘a normal and essential part of science,’ Dutch science academy says  Science Mag

Hey, here’s a new reason for a journal to reject a paper: it’s “annoying” that it’s already on a preprint server  Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science

A New Citation Database Launches Today: Digital Science’s Dimensions   Scholarly Kitchen


Let Ferpa Be Ferpa: Colleges have used Ferpa to prevent the release of newsworthy information  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Why admissions at elite colleges aren’t really about merit   Market Watch

Is Gov. Brown's proposal for a public online community college a good idea? Some educators say  LA Times

The Biggest Problem for State Higher-Ed Policy? Federal Higher-Ed Policy  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Colleges must push back against the bipartisan notion that education on their campuses has been replaced with "indoctrination and political posturing (president of Wesleyan University)  Washington Post

Title IX Failures: Buffalo State failed to investigate an alleged sexual assault Inside Higher Ed

How One University Is Trying to ‘Create a Space for Listening’  Chronicle of Higher Ed

International Student Numbers Decline  Inside Higher Ed

Hooters opens soon in Abilene. One Christian university is less than thrilled  Star-Telegram

Christian university where 'safe spaces' are banned opens in Boston  Independent


Why You Should Ask Students to Help Design Courses  Chronicle of Higher Ed

To ban or not to ban: Teachers grapple with forcing students to disconnect from technology  Washington Post

The 4 Reasons Why Every College Student Should Become an Instructor  StudyBreaks

Tracking down hired pens used to be hard: Now Students have Twitter  Chronicle of Higher Ed