Articles of Interest - Feb 26


A chat with author and Wired co-founder Kevin Kelly about the technologies that will inevitably change our future  Motley Fool

Social networks are broken—This man wants to fix them   MIT Technology Review

Robot vs Human Testing  Wired

Driverless cars can operate in California as early as April  Recode

Scientists create optical lens that acts as 'artificial eye' based on the anatomy of human eyeball  Harvard

Children struggle to hold pencils due to too much tech, doctors say  The Guardian


Local Reporting Is Dying. This Training Corps Wants to Bring It Back. Pacific Standard  PS Mag

With in-article chat bots, BBC is experimenting with new ways to introduce readers to complex topics  Nieman Lab

Journalism has a catch-22 problem with visuals  Poynter

Journalism is a risky business  Washington Post


After years of testing, The Wall Street Journal has built a paywall that bends to the individual reader  Nieman Journalism Lab


How to Inoculate the Public Against Fake News  Defense One

A viral fake about Sylvester Stallone highlights a major flaw in Facebook’s fact-checking tool  Poynter

Why Can Everyone Spot Fake News But The Tech Companies?  BuzzFeed

Strategies on checking for fake news  Union-Tribune

Somebody in the world of fake science publishing has now invented a whole fake university covering 50 fictional city blocks in California  Ottawa Citizen

Can we keep media literacy from becoming a partisan concept like fact checking?  Harvard’s Nieman Lab


Quantum computing is now in the equivalent of the days of vacuum tubes running calculations in room-sized computers—but reliability is on the horizon  Economist 

The best books for learning modern statistics (and they’re free)  Quartz

The neural network designer "cannot know, once that network has been trained, exactly how it is doing what it does.. For artificial intelligence to thrive, it must explain itself.."  Economist

Databricks (founded by the creators of Apache Spark) is now offering a premium Apache Spark service integrated with Microsoft Azure   ZDnet

Wanted: Machine Learning experts who think less like a ML scientist and more like  a business user, developing tools to analyze and manage ML power without having to think like an ML scientist  Forbes

The xView Detection Challenge: the Pentagon is offering $100k in prizes to develop algorithms that can interpret high-resolution satellite images  Wired

Evaluating the complex challenges inherent in machine learning and artificial intelligence and the level of human involvement required to take full advantage of  Tech Target 


On Social Media, Lax Enforcement Lets Impostor Accounts Thrive  New York Times

Russian meddling is only one challenge facing the social-media giant: Young Americans are using it less, costs are soaring and regulation looms  Economist

There is no easy fix for Facebook’s reliability problem  Monday Note


What is Google Reply (and How It Works)  Tom’s Guide

Apple Plans Giant High-End iPhone, Lower-Priced Model  Bloomberg 


Sitting in on Remote Meetings? Working at a Standing Desk? Follow These Tips Wired 

The Pros & Cons of Scripted vs Unscripted Video  Video Strategist


The Father Of The Internet Sees His Invention Reflected Back Through A 'Black Mirror'  NPR


Defeating Procrastination  Becoming (my blog)


The serious implications of poking fun at the grammar of people who speak and write English as a second language  The Chronicle of Higher Education

‘What Is Your Position on Citation?’  The Chronicle of Higher Education

Syntax change: one of the mistakes made by doom-mongers who believe English itself is under threat  The Chronicle of Higher Education


Did humans speak through cave art? New paper links ancient drawings and language’s origins  MIT

In the world of voice-recognition, not all accents are equal  Economist

A Written Language Without an Alphabet  Scholarly Kitchen


Petition calls for separating LGBT materials in Iowa library  Washington Post 

Aliens Would Probably Like It If You Gave them Flowers: A Geek’s Guide to Steven Pinker  WIRED

How Do You Launch a New Generation of Native American Writers?   BuzzFeed News 


Judge gives grandparents custody of Ohio transgender teen  CNN

The world’s largest professional organization for the advancement of technology is allegedly minimizing the work of female historians who—write about bias against women in technology  Inside Higher Ed

Signs defending white privilege appear around Burlington campuses  Burlington Free Press

'You Have Dark Skin And You Are Beautiful': The Long Fight Against Skin Bleaching  NPR

How Girls and Women "Camouflage" Their Autism  The Atlantic

45 music festivals pledge gender-equal lineups by 2022Tess Cagle— February 26Only 2 of the festivals on board are in the U.S.  Daily Dot

Gender Gap at the Olympics  Wall Street Journal


U.S. hate groups proliferate in Trump's first year, watchdog says  Reuters


It's the (Democracy-Poisoning) Golden Age of Free Speech  Wired

Anti-Trump artwork by a professor at Polk State College, in Florida, was barred from a faculty-art exhibition for being “too controversial”  The FIRE 

California's IMDb Age Censorship Law Declared Unconstitutional  Hollywood Reporter 


John Oliver, HBO Beat Coal Executive's Defamation Lawsuit  Hollywood Reporter

4 of the Most Influential Supreme Court Cases Being Decided in 2018  Study Breaks

Appeals Court Rules The Civil Rights Act Protects Gay Workers  NPR

Lesbian Law Prof Sues Over Rejection as Foster Parent


Judge rejects copyright claim over CG Characters in Blockbuster Movies, but claims for inducing patent infringement and violating trademarks will move forward  Hollywood Reporter

The Big Push To Reform Music Copyright For The Digital Age  Forbes

Disney Misused 'Star Wars,' 'Frozen' Copyrights, Says Judge  Hollywood Reporter


Why Are These Christian Non-Profits Telling the IRS They’re Churches? (opinion)  Patheos

The Gospel according to Bob Dylan  Boston Globe  

Harvard University Christian group ‘forced out’ Bible study leader because she’s bisexual (College puts Group on ‘Probation)  The Crimson

Protestantism might be good for the wallet, after all: An evangelical charity helps with a randomised controlled trial of religion  Economist

Our Parent Who Art in Heaven  The Chronicle of Higher Education

Citing partial lifting of LGBTQ hiring ban, Texas Baptist group to stop forwarding money to Cooperative Baptist Fellowship  Baptist News

Pope suggests it's better to be an atheist than a bad Christian  CNN 


Remembering Billy Graham, "America's Pastor" & Adviser to Presidents  Biography

The media savvy of Billy Graham  Washington Post

Billy Graham's Record on Race Was Both Ahead and Of His Time  Bloomberg

Today’s evangelicals could learn a lot from Billy Graham (opinion)  Washington Post

Why Billy Graham Was Determined to Globalize Evangelicalism  The Atlantic

Billy Graham was consumed by grace  Washington Post

Billy Graham may have been the last bipartisan evangelical leader  Washington Post

The Making of Billy Graham: Evangelicalism and Anthropology in the 20th-Century United States

Billy Graham Built a Movement. Now His Son Is Dismantling It  Politico


In Donald Trump, Evangelicals Have Found Their President (opinion)  New York Times

Evangelical Explains: We Evangelicals Are The Biggest Suckers in the US  Splinter  


Instagram is killing the way we experience art in museums  Quartzy

A sumptuous TV tour of the history of art  Economist

The Art of Chinese Propaganda Posters  Atlas Obscura

How do the United States state flags look when data decides their designs?  True Colors


Is Music a Universal Language?  YouTube 

Public broadcaster music library closing, CD’s to be digitised, destroyed  Radio Canada International


'Darkest Hour' Loves Churchill, But Let's Hope It Tanks His Legacy  Digg


Student journalist interviewed classmates as shooter walked Parkland school halls  CNN

How accessible is Penn State’s campus for students with disabilities?  The Daily Collegian 

FIRE alerts students to due process threats using campus newspapers  The FIRE


How to Make Your LinkedIn Page Less Boring  LifeHacker 


A student at a Kansas University complained that a psychology prof had tried to kiss her: The student newspaper reports she was required to sign a nondisclosure agreement  The Bulletin

'New York Magazine': Do You Believe Anita Hill Now?  NPR

How common is sexual misconduct in Hollywood?  USA Today 

Tackling Sexual Harassment On Campus Means Putting Students First (opinion)  University Times 

Survivors of sexual harassment and assault need more independent programs that give institutions and the public a chance to support them (opinion)  New York Times

Sexual harassment pervades science: This scientist is talking to Congress about how to change that  Stat News


The Professor of Horrible Deeds: Fred Berlin has done decades of pioneering research on pedophilia — and outraged a lot of people along the way  The Chronicle of Higher Education


Good science keeps debunking the war on pasta and bread  Vox

Making anaesthesia safer by tracking brain activity  Economist

Single fathers are twice more likely to die early than single mothers or partnered fathers  Quartz

The menace of lead poisoning: Paint laced with lead lingers in rich countries and is still being manufactured in poor ones  Economist

Back Pain May Be The Result Of Bending Over At The Waist Instead Of The Hips  NPR

What does the world die from? (data visualization)  Our World in Data


Google’s new AI algorithm predicts heart disease by looking at your eyes  The Verge

DeepMind’s new project aims to prevent hospital deaths  MIT Tech Review


Yep, people are using avocados to propose on Instagram   NBC Today


Hidden Brain: A Study Of Airline Delays  NPR

New neurons in the adult brain are involved in sensory learning  ScienceDaily


Steven Pinker’s case for optimism“Enlightenment Now” explains why the doom-mongers are wrong  Economist


Four philosophers who realized they were completely wrong about things  Big Think 


Researchers have finally created a tool to spot duplicated images across thousands of papers  Nature 

In the near future, I also plan to set bug bounties, i.e. sums of money you can earn if you find errors in my published work  The 100% CI

Publisher retracts “conceptual penis” hoax article  Retraction Watch 

Tool which clinical drug trials have missed deadlines for reporting their results  BBC  

A guidebook to measuring research  Nature


A list of colleges that “are committed to defend the #NeverAgain Movement (website created by undergraduate at the University of California at San Diego)  Never Again Colleges

The Great Online School Scam  LongReads

Who's Missing From America's Colleges? Rural High School Graduates  NPR

After 2016 Election, Campus Hate Crimes Seemed to Jump: Here’s What the Data Tell Us  The Chronicle of Higher Education

How to help students avoid the remedial ed trap  Hechinger Report

University of Akron pays more than $620,000 a year to two former presidents to teach

College signs contract with Florida sheriff’s office to have instructors and staff members carry guns  Click Orlando

In Times of Scandal, Conflicts With College Lawyers Multiply  The Chronicle of Higher Ed

The Misguided Drive to Measure ‘Learning Outcomes’  New York Times

Why Is the Manhattan DA Looking at Newsweek’s Ties to a Christian University?  Newsweek

No, a church isn't trying to sex traffic women on college campuses

Jimmy Carter to give commencement speech at Liberty University  The Hill

Louisiana College refused to hire coach because of his 'Jewish blood': Lawsuit  Associated Press

What in the World Is Going On Between Olivet U. and Newsweek?  The Chronicle of Higher Education

Wheaton College Wins 5-Year Religious Freedom Battle Against Birth Control Mandate  Christian Post


Inclusive Citation: How Diverse Are Your References?  The Chronicle of Higher Ed


Millennials Media Consumption  Daily Infographic

Prestigious U.S. colleges won't reject students who protest guns  Reuters

Judge dismisses New York Columbia University student's claims over rape reports  Reuters

Student-run Christian group sues Georgia school saying its campus speech-zone rules are unconstitutional  Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Screen All Teens For Depression, Pediatricians Urge  NPR


She Wrote a Farewell Letter to Colleagues. Then 80,000 People Read It.  The Chronicle of Higher Education