Articles of Interest – June 4


Mary Meeker’s 2018 internet trends report: the most highly anticipated slide deck in Silicon Valley  Recode

GDPR For Publishers: What You Need to Know  Media Vine

A scientific list of the most popular memes on the internet  Quartz


Your next potato chip could come from a 3-D printer  MIT Tech Review  

Watch What Happens Inside the Body When You Talk  Curiosity

Microsoft confirms it's buying GitHub for $7.5 billion  Engadget

The battle for responsible technology  Poynter


Who Is Going To Make Money In AI? Here’s an educated guess  Towards Data Science

How data science and the role of data scientist evolved over the years  Analytics India

Why Thousands of Researchers Are Boycotting Nature’s Upcoming AI Journal  Gizmodo

To Build Truly Intelligent Machines, Teach Them Cause and Effect  Quantum Magazine

Satellite imagery is revolutionizing the world. But should we always trust what we see?  The Conversation

Notes from Coursera Deep Learning courses by Andrew Ng  Slide Share: TessFerrandez


Survey: Which  Social Media Platforms among Teens  Pew Research Center   

I wrote a negative Yelp review — and it made my life a nightmare  New York Post 

Trust is the new currency of the digital age (opinion)   Business Times

How Instagram’s algorithm works  Tech Crunch

Facebook Tried to Rein In Fake Ads: It Fell Short in a California Race  New York Times  

Avoiding Career Death by Twitter  TechNewsWorld


The entire country of Papua New Guinea will have access to Facebook turned off for a month  Post Courier

Facebook's decision to kill its "Trending" feature proves that algorithms are not always the answer  Quartz

Facebook is shutting down trending topics feature  CNN

One Woman's Facebook Success Story: A Support Group For 1.7 Million  NPR

Facebook defends sharing user data with phone makers  CNN


America is losing the war against robocalls  Economist

A New Threat to Your Finances: Cell-Phone Account Fraud  Comsumer Reports  


Does China’s digital police state have echoes in the West?  Economist

How Americans have viewed government surveillance and privacy since Snowden leaks  Pew Research Center


Drones Are Revolutionizing the Way Film and TV Is Made  TIME

Canon isn't selling film cameras any more  Quartz


Print gets a lot more advertising than eyeballs.. and mobile is just the opposite  Harvard’s Nieman Lab  


These are the most important announcements Apple made for news publishers today  Harvard’s Nieman Lab

Roseanne’s comments get 16 times the coverage of the estimated Hurricane Maria’s toll of 4,600 deaths  Columbia Journalism Review

The Wall Street Journal reporter who doggedly kept asking a simple question - does this technology even work?  New York Magazine

It’s exhausting being a reporter in the Trump era: A new documentary captures the toll at the New York Times  Washington Post  

How Alexandra Bell Is Disrupting Racism in Journalism  The New Yorker

So you wanna be a journalist?  Columbia Journalism Review

There is no fake news in Showtime's winning 'Fourth Estate'  Baltimore Sun

AP Stylebook update: Multiple emoji are emoji  Poynter

NPR is getting rid of some of its news blogs (with more blog “changes” to come)  Harvard’s Nieman Lab


Many journalists fail to question new Cancer Society colorectal cancer screening guidelines   Health News Review

New York Times Cites Old Mistaken Study  Andrew Gelman Blog


A Reporter Was Beaten to Death in Mexico, Becoming the Sixth Journalist Killed There This Year  TIME

Russian journalist and Kremlin critic shot and killed in Ukraine  The Hill

The killing of a journalist exposed something rotten in Slovakia  Economist


Cities where newspapers closed saw government costs increase “as a result of the lack of scrutiny over local deals”  CityLab

Tronc buys Virginian-Pilot from Landmark for $34 million  Sun Herald

Tronc’s selling, and buying, and just generally shapeshifting  Harvard’s Nieman Lab


'Messing with the Enemy' takes on dark side of social media  MSNBC

Only You Can Fight Fake News  WIRED

The Legal War on Alex Jones  The New Republic

Facebook is Giving Scientists its Data to Fight Misinformation  WIRED

The Londoner: Is anti-fake news unit a fake itself?  Evening Standard


After papers were removed, a Seattle student newsroom pushed back  Columbia Journalism Review


Life Beyond the Glowing Screen  Becoming (my blog)

Japan’s biggest bestseller is a philosophy book on “The Courage to be Disliked”  Quartz


The weasel voice in journalism: Don’t blame grammar for the shortcomings of headline-writers  Economist

National Spelling Bee 2018: The most commonly misspelled words at the national spelling bee  Quartz


Resources and ideas from a collaborative session on interactive fiction at this year’s Computers & Writing conferences  Chronicle of Higher Ed

To make beat writing more compelling, let’s rescue the offbeat story  Poynter  

Interactive fiction in the classroom  Chronicle of Higher Ed


A Week on Language Twitter: new words and usages on social media  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Filler words: One of the toughest part of a foreign language to master  Chronicle of Higher Ed


The best children's books of the year for 2018  Bank Street

Writing Tips And Pointed Opinions From The Late Tom Wolfe  Forbes

Original map of Winnie-the-Pooh’s Hundred Acre Wood  Flowing Data


11 women executives on the greatest risk they ever took  Fast Company

How Reese Witherspoon female-driven storytelling company is channeling women’s voices into top-tier entertainment  Fast Company

Women are more likely to wait longer for a health diagnosis and to be told it’s ‘all in their heads’  BBC

One More To Go: Illinois Ratifies Equal Rights Amendment  NPR

How Disney is turning women from across the company into coders  Fast Company 

The Hidden Women of Architecture and Design  The New Yorker


68% of white evangelicals think America shouldn’t house refugees  Vox

At least 8 white nationalists running for federal office  MSNBC


Attorney General Jeff Sessions pens op-ed saying that the Justice Department is defending free speech on college campuses  USA Today

Why the struggle for academic freedom is the struggle for democracy  Chronicle of Higher Ed

A student at the center of a dispute over free speech can return to his religious studies class  Post Gazette


PUBG Corp. Sues Epic Games for Copyright Infringement  Variety

He Said No, Fox News Used His Images Anyway  PetaPixel

The Supreme Court Just Sided With The Baker Who Wouldn't Make A Gay Wedding Cake. What Does The Ruling Actually Mean?  Digg

Advocacy groups knock ‘unjust’ copyright-extending CLASSICS Act  TechCrunch  


The Intuitive and the Unlearnable: Why some designs won’t ever stop sucking  Medium

Want to make great art? Stop making art  Fast Company


Was Classic Rock a Sound, or a Tribe?  The Atlantic

10 Surprising Skills You Gain From Music Lessons  Daily Infographic


Forty-five percent of teens are online ‘almost constantly’ — and they don’t know if it’s good for them  Washington Post

Put a Ring on It? Millennial Couples Are in No Hurry  New York Times


What Your Resume Should Look Like in 2018  TIME

These paid journalism internships are still accepting applications  Student Press Law Center



Is it possible for two people to simultaneously sexually assault each other? The potential excesses of policing sex on campus  The Atlantic

Equipping Women to Stop Campus Rape (opinion)  New York Times

Older teens less likely to think sexting would get them in trouble  Journalism Resources  

#MeToo Complaints Swamp Human Resource Departments  NPR


This Map Shows the Best-Paying Company In Every State  TIME

The myth of outliving your retirement savings  Reuters


Climate Change: “Could You Do Any Better Than We Did?” Two volumes for future generations  Boston Review  


Podcast: The new & (un)improved doctor-patient relationship  Health News Review

Coffee benefits: Caffeine makes you more social, as well as active Quartz

Health alert said American diagnosed with brain injury like reported in Cuba  Washington Post

LA Times provides careful take on early brain/diabetes research–except for the headline  Health News Review

Elder Abuse (video/language)  John Oliver

The noise all around us that’s destroying our hearing, explained One in four adults in the US show signs of noise-induced hearing loss  Vox


Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: What journalists need to know  Journalists Resources

Study finds most popular vitamin, mineral supplements provide no health benefit  Fox 8

New risk calculator could change the aspirin, statins, and blood pressure medications some people take  Stat News


Ingestible “bacteria on a chip” could help diagnose disease  MIT  

Computers can diagnose stroke victims now  The Week


A new study links early childhood obesity to lower IQ scores  Quartz

Gene therapy is saving children’s lives—but screening to discover who needs it is lagging behind  MIT Tech Review


Questioning Truth, Reality and the Role of Science  Quantam Magazine  

Henrietta Lacks Gets Immortalized in a Portrait: It’s Now on Display at the National Portrait Gallery  Open Culture

There Are No Laws of Physics: There’s Only the Landscape  Quantam Magazine  


The Russian Philosopher Who Sought Immortality in the Cosmos  Atlas Obscura

Why read Aristotle today?  Aeon


The only World War II battle fought on North American soil  WNCT  


Can It Really Be True That Half of Academic Papers Are Never Read?  Chronicle of Higher Ed

All publishers are predatory - some are bigger than others  Scielo

Fewer than two out of every 10,000 scientific papers remain influential in their field decades after publication  Nature Index

Authorship credit varies across scientific disciplines — and even within the same field  Nature

Alphabetical name ordering in Research Harms Collaborations  London School of Economics and Political Science

South Korean apps are outsourcing academic fraud to freelance ghostwriters  Quartz


Televangelist seeks donations for $54M private jet, claims God is behind the idea  NOLA

Study: Infant Mortality Rates Higher in Christian Fundamentalist Communities  US News & World Report

American Bible Society to require church attendance, sexuality codes  Religious News Service

Atheists Are Sometimes More Religious Than Christians  The Atlantic

Southern Baptist seminary drops bombshell: Why Paige Patterson was fired  Washington Post

Joel Osteen and the making of Lakewood Church  Houston Chronicle

Christ art removed from Lexington SC church for being Catholic  The State

Judge: 'In God We Trust' on Money isn't Religion Endorsement  Associated Press

Jesse Duplantis says he's not asking followers to buy him a private jet: He just wants them to 'believe’  CNN


Dinesh D'Souza, America's greatest conservative troll, explained  Vox

Trump Pardons Dinesh D’Souza and Weighs Leniency for Rod Blagojevich and Martha Stewart  New York Times

Conservative Christian attorneys gain influence under Trump  Associated Press


China is secretly imprisoning close to 1 million people to get them to renounce their religion  Business Insider

Key findings about religion in Western Europe  Pew Research Center


Couple discovers safe filled with cash, gold, diamonds worth $52G in their backyard  New York Daily News

Two pilots spend savings on plane to rescue migrants in Mediterranean Sea  NBC News

How The Internet Is Changing The Way Dogs Find Homes  BuzzFeed


The University Is Not an Aristocracy: So why do we value selectivity over social mobility?  Chronicle of Higher Ed

When a College Takes on Student Poverty, it can only do so much  The Atlantic

Higher-Ed Groups Warn Against Visa Restrictions for Chinese Students  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Christian College president apologizes for equating sexual assaults with gay relationships  Des Moines Register

Recent grad to Christian colleges: LGBT issues not going away  M-live

Catholic University of America faculty vote raises stakes in battle with president  Religion News Service


Liberty U is making a film about a man who says God told him Trump would become president  Chronicle of Higher Ed

The Tense History behind Jimmy Carter’s Liberty U. Commencement Address  Religious Dispatches

What to expect from a new Liberty University film  Washington Post


What 6 Colleges Learned About Improving Their Online Courses  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Ideas for Creating an Effective Syllabus for Online Learning  Faculty Focus  


A Self-Care Strategy for Beleaguered Academics: Every teacher needs a magic briefcase  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Don’t Blame Tenured Academics for the Adjunct Crisis  Chronicle of Higher Ed