Articles of Interest - Aug 6


Facebook Has Identified Ongoing Political Influence Campaign  MSNBC

France passes a new law banning smartphones in schools  The Next Web

What Counts as a Video View on Social Media?  Ad Week 


The State Of Election Security Ahead Of Midterms  NPR

Inside Russia's invasion of the U.S. electric grid  Axios 


A zine about how to start a podcast  Alex Laughin Blog 

Annemarie Dooling on what she learned while transforming Vox’s newsletter strategy  Really Good Emails

10 ways to craft compelling Snapchat and Instagram Stories  PR Daily


Yahoo Finance launching live video streaming network this year  Axios

After Reportedly Losing $120 Million Last Year, Condé Nast Will Sell 3 of Its Titles  Ad Week


Trust in mainstream American newspapers has grown, even among conservatives  Economist 

Terrorist attacks committed by Muslim extremists receive 357% more U.S. press coverage than those committed by non-Muslims  The Guardian 

What Journalists Can Learn from Organizers: A Guide  Free Press 

Should you major in journalism? Here are stories from eight working journalists who didn’t  Harvard’s Nieman Lab 

When Public Records Aren’t Public  ProPublica 

Google, working with news orgs like ProPublica, will return more datasets in search results Harvard’s Nieman Lab


Newsroom employment dropped nearly a quarter in less than 10 years  Pew Research Center

The investigations and reporting of BuzzFeed News — *not* BuzzFeed — are now at their own  Harvard’s Nieman Lab


It's Looking Extremely Likely That QAnon Is A Leftist Prank On Trump Supporters  BuzzFeed News

What is QAnon? Explaining the bizarre rightwing conspiracy theory  The Guardian 

QAnon: The Conspiracy Theorist Group That Appears At Trump Rallies  NPR


Alex Jones faces existential courtroom battle over limits of fake news  My Stateman

Why We’re Sharing 3 Million Russian Troll Tweets  FiveThirtyEight 

A report on the fundamental paradox of reporting on the so-called “alt-right”: Doing so without amplifying that ideology is extremely difficult, if not downright impossible  Data Society

Snopes fired its managing editor — and she doesn't know why  Poynter  

Here's how the U.K. plans to tackle fake news  Poynter

The ACLU On Facebook's Fake Page Removals  NPR

Why Do We Share Fake News?  Illusion of More 

Fighting fake news is a losing battle, but there are other ways to win the war  Monday Note

What Does This Professor Know About Conspiracy Theorists That We Don’t?  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Denialism & Science  Becoming (my blog)

Do you see a duck or a rabbit: just what is aspect perception?   Aeon


The commas that cost companies millions  BBC

Those vexatious commas  Baltimore Sun


Listening isn't reading, but audiobooks still resonate  Wired

The art of buying books and never reading them  BBC

How technology shapes the way we read  Wired

How my smartphone revived the purity of reading  Wired


Most European students are learning a foreign language in school while Americans lag  Pew Research Center

Can Language Slow Down Time  BBC


A Hemingway War Story Sees Print for the First Time  The New York Times

Emotions found in classic literature help us understand the universality of the human condition  State Press


How women’s magazines are getting political  Bloomberg

Is Bannon right that white, college-educated women have given up on Republicans?  Washington Post

“The Matilda Effect”: How Pioneering Women Scientists Have Been Denied Recognition and Written Out of Science History  Open Culture  

Using artificial intelligence to fix Wikipedia's gender problem  Wired

Nationwide, male doctors get paid $100,000 more than female doctors  Vox


Even black robots are impacted by racism  Fast Company

Was It Racist for a Judge to Dismiss a Copyright Lawsuit Targeting Fox's 'Empire'?  Hollywood Reporter


Federal judge ruled: Michigan's Bias Response Team does not present a threat to students' rights to free speech  M-live

Fired FAU professor declares it’s his right to call Sandy Hook a hoax  My Palm Beach Post  


Legal Issues in Podcasting (particularly for broadcasters)  David Oxeford Broadcast Law Blog


Michigan researchers develop new computer chip using circuits that remember how much charge has gone through them - that cuts power consumption by 100x  University of Michigan

Eight states sue to reverse administration settlement that would allow people to download blueprints to 3D-print AR-15 rifles at home  Associated Press


Methods 101: What are nonprobability surveys? (video)  Pew Research Center

Major quantum computing advance made obsolete by teen who proves that ordinary computers can solve an important computing problem  Quanta Magazine


Donors Pay for Gay Valedictorian to attend College after he was Rejected by his Christian parents  Washington Post

Pope Francis announced that the Roman Catholic Church now considers the death penalty unjust in all cases, a strong pivot from the Church's previous stance  Associated Press

United Methodists debate, lobby and worry in advance of LGBT decision  Religious News Service

Prosperity Gospel Taught to 4 in 10 Evangelical Churchgoers  Christianity Today

What the early church thought about God’s gender  The Conversation

Why Americans Go (and Don’t Go) to Religious Services  Pew Research Center

Jared Kushner Used To Personally Order The Deletion Of Stories At His Newspaper  BuzzFeed News

San Diego Rock Church buys former strip club in Midway District  10News


He’s a Superstar Pastor: She Worked for Him and Says He Groped Her Repeatedly  New York Times

Pa. supreme court OKs release of interim report naming 300 'predator priests'  PennLive

Prominent NYC megachurch, Redeemer Church, quietly fired pastor David Kim for sexual abuse  WatchKeep

Pastor and “Creation Festival” Founder Gets 18 Years for Sexually Abusing Kids  Star Tribune 

Teaching pastor resigns over Willow Creek’s handling of allegations against Bill Hybels  Chicago Tribune


40 Employees At This California Hospital Lost Their Homes In The Carr Fire: They Showed Up To Work Anyway  Buzzfeed News 

This man ran the entire route of the Tour de France to raise money for mental health  SB Nation

Walmart cashier sees nail salon refuse to serve woman with cerebral palsy—so she grabs a bottle of nail polish and paints them herself  ABC-12

Cops save toddler from choking on chicken nugget  Sun Sentinel


25+ Geometric Tattoos Teeming With Sacred Symbols and Meanings  My Modern Met

Creative Interactive Article: See America’s New Ellis Island: A South Texas Bus Terminal  New York Times

Van Gogh’s Art Now Adorns Vans Shoes  Open Culture

What I learned from 200 design interviews  Medium  


A style of music played on the guitar that pretty much no one listens to except guitar players  Populla

What Makes a Hit 60 Years of #1 Songs  Columbia Business School


Study finds almost no increase in diversity in popular films over the last decade  Mashable

Justice Dept. to review 70-year-old movie industry antitrust rules  LA Business Journal  


These Free Online Courses From Google to Boost Your Career  Inc.


Her Mormon college upheld her sex-assault complaint — but kicked her out anyway  Salt Lake Tribune

Diocese names 71 accused of child sex abuse, blames bishops  Associated Press


Chinese professor forced off live TV by police  CNN


One chart that shows how much worse income inequality is in America than Europe  Vox

Americans are now spending 11 hours each day consuming media  Quartz

How companies make millions charging prisoners to send an email  Wired

Police kill about 3 men per day in the US, according to new study  The Conversation

The Outsize Hold of the Word ‘Welfare’ on the Public Imagination  New York Times


How to lead like Abraham Lincoln  Quartz

I Read the 1936 Book That Launched Warren Buffett's Career and It's Truly Inspiring  Inc


U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to Halt Teenagers’ Climate Lawsuit  Bloomberg

That’s Not Algae Swirling on the Beach. Those Are Green Worms (and no one knows why)  New York Times


A surgeon in North Carolina wanted to offer less expensive MRIs. But he couldn't. There's a law preventing him from doing so  Vox

Could a blood test lead to new treatments for depression  Health News Review

An Appalachian odyssey: Hunting for ALS genes along a sprawling family tree  Stat News


The Age That Women Have Babies: How a Gap Divides America  New York Times


The most relaxing vacation you can take is going nowhere at all  Quartz


What Would Happen If the Earth Turned Into Blueberries? Thanks to a New Paper, Now We Know  Chronicle of Higher Ed

The Value of Criticism in science Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science Andrew Gelman Blog

Beyond #FakeScience: how to overcome shallow certainty in scholarly communication  London School of Economics and Political Science

Anti-Vaccine Activists Have Taken Vaccine Science Hostage  New York Times

Can Science Save Politics? Or Will Politics Ruin Science?  FiveThirtyEight


There Is More to Behavioral Economics Than Biases and Fallacies  Behavioral Scientist

Psychology's New Normal? Data Badges  Center for Open Science

Cognitive Biases and the Human Brain  The Atlantic

Mental health: depression and anxiety in young mothers is up by 50% in a generation  The Conversation


How the brain transforms vision into action  Stat News

How Indirect Violence Gets Under a Child’s Skin — and Into the Brain Even if a youngster does not witness a violent crime or know the victim  Undark


10 Things That Steal Our Motivation—and How to Get It Back  Shine

Knowing when to quit a project

For maximum recharge, take a Wednesday off  Quartz

The 25 Best Productivity Apps in 2018  Zapier


These Professors Don’t Work for a Predatory Publisher. It Keeps Claiming They Do  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Should I be proud of my h index?  Eco-Evo Evo-Eco

Little White Lies in Healthcare Publishing  Scholarly Kitchen  

Retraction Watch leaderboard: it now takes 38 retractions to get into the top 10  Retraction Watch

What is the value of the peer‐reviewing system? (opinion)  Wiley Online Library


Over 11 million US adults live in an education desert  Flowing Data

What do top colleges have against transfer students? (opinion)  Washington Post

Malcolm Gladwell: Rich Americans contribute too much money on 'meaningless education'   CNBC

Ethical questions from the use of big data for student success  Chronicle of Higher Ed

Baylor reform group calls on regents to resign  KWTX

Christian student group sues U of Iowa, incites debate on religious freedom  Inside Higher Ed

Catholic College sued for defrauding Sodexo of $1.35 million  JC Online


How New Classrooms Can Help Professors Think More Deeply About Teaching  Chronicle of Higher Ed 

New Trigger Warnings Study Confirms Potential Harm to Students  National Coalition Against Censorship 

How New Classrooms Can Help Professors Think More Deeply About Teaching  Chronicle of Higher Ed


Poynter, Koch Foundation expand impact in year two of program for college journalists  Poynter

Five tips for reporting on hiring searches for administrators  Student Press Law Center 


'Google-it' mentality leaves school leavers unprepared for university, survey finds  Telegraph

Poll: young Americans are looking for young leaders - and are pessimistic about the current state of politics  Associated Press 

The Gaping Divide Over Student Debt (opinion)  New Republic