Articles of Interest - Jan 7


An introduction to Quantum Computing  IBM

Ranking the Top 100 Technological Advances  Gizmodo 

Physicists’ measurement is first of its kind and could provide a stepping stone to practical quantum computing   MIT 

***BIG DATA & AI  

Artificial intelligence turns brain activity into speech  Science Mag 

A brief explanation of automated machine learning, why it’s needed and where it’s going  KD Nuggets 

This clever AI hid data from its creators to cheat at its appointed task  Tech Crunch 

The Most Amazing Artificial Intelligence Milestones So Far  Forbes 

Never mind killer robots—here are six real AI dangers to watch out for in 2019  MIT Tech Review


What Facebook knows about you  Axios

Detecting depression: Phone apps could monitor teen angst  Associated Press

The Bird Box Effect: How Memes Drive Users to Netflix  The Ringer   

Link between social media and depression stronger in teen girls than boys, study says  CNN

How to Delete Your Online Accounts but Keep Your Data  Life Hacker 

How Facebook is Fueling The French Populist Rage  Monday Note 


7 tips on health care reporting from POLITICO’s Joanne Kenen  Journalists Resource

A journalist exposes the systemic failures that led to his wife’s death  Columbia Journalism Review  

How Google-backed MediaWise is teaching teens media literacy  Digiday


The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press receives $1 million grant from the Hollywood Foreign Press Assoc  Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press

Dallas Morning News lays off 20 newsroom employees  Poynter 

A fresh look at the rise of nonprofit journalism — and the issues that remain  Poynter


How to recognize fake AI-generated images  Medium 

Inside Trump’s fake news recidivism  Axios 

2019: A year when fake news gets intimate and everyone disagrees on everything  Harvard’s Nieman Lab


L.A. is suing IBM for illegally gathering and selling user data through its Weather Channel app  Los Angeles Times

DNA Testing? You Might Want to Wait for More Legal Protection  Bloomberg


9 Types of Visual Storytelling on Mobile  Global Investigative Journalism Network


How Much of the Internet Is Fake?  New York Magazine 

Half the world will be online in 2019: But getting people connected is not an unalloyed blessing  Economist 


The people inside the machine   Becoming (my blog)

The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success   The Week

Are you a Digital Hoarder?  BBC


The Rise of the Exclamation point  Quartz 

Ways schools and colleges could do a better job of teaching writing  Inside Higher Ed 

11,000 Digitized Books From 1923 Are Now Available Online at the Internet Archive  Open Culture       

Does It Pay to Be a Writer? A new study found that most authors’ incomes are below the poverty line  New York Times


The Most Searched Words Of 2018

Top words teens use to describe 2018: exhausting, chaotic, meh  Survey Monkey 

Children Are Using Emoji for Digital-Age Language Learning  Wired 

How a Word Enters the Dictionary: A Quick Primer  Open Culture 


Getting Students to Study Literature  Inside Higher Ed

How Hollywood Gets the Publishing Industry Wrong  New York Times

An Illustrated and Interactive Dante's Inferno: Explore a New Digital Companion to the Great 14th-Century Epic Poem  Open Culture


Women are being honored for their excellent journalism  Tampa Bay  

7 Ways to Improve Coverage of Women’s Sports  Harvard’s Nieman Reports 


Landmark settlement requires harasser to denounce white supremacy and apologize to the first black female student body president at American University Inside Higher Ed


How copyright law is often used to squash free expression on the internet: The legal issues behind the AOC Dancing Video  Wired 

Content Just Entered The Public Domain  Kotaku

Ed Sheeran Going To Trial Over 'Thinking Out Loud' Plagiarism Allegations  Forbes  

F-Bombs Coming to Supreme Court for Review of Government Ban on Scandalous Trademarks Hollywood Reporter 

2018 Advertising Lawsuits  Technology & Marketing Law Blog 

2018 Trademark Lawsuits  Technology & Marketing Law Blog 

2018 Copyright Lawsuits  Technology & Marketing Law Blog 


5 facts about crime in the U.S. Pew Research Center


Thomas Keating died on October 25th: The pioneer of modern contemplative prayer was 95  Economist 

Evangelicals Seek Detente With Mideast Muslim Leaders As Critics Doubt Motives  NPR 

The 7 People Christians Trust More Than Their Pastors  Christianity Today    

Teen self-injects verses from the Bible and the Koran that have been transposed into DNA  BongBong


Jerry Falwell Jr. can’t imagine Trump ‘doing anything that’s not good for the country’  Washington Post 

The New Congress: Fewer Christians But Still Religious  NPR


Granddaughter Records A Song Her Grandpa Wrote Decades Earlier (video) 

Minnesota doctor makes a blanket for every baby he delivers  Star Tribune 

A Pop-Up Japanese Cafe With Robot Servers Remotely Controlled by People With Disabilities (video)

This choir features singers with dementia Washington Post  

11-year-old boy pulls a drowning man from the bottom of a pool and saves his life CNN

The tattoo artist who erases racist and gang-related ink for free PS Mag


Best Data Visualization Projects of 2018  FlowingData

Design Ethics and the Limits of the Ethical Designer  Viget 

How Does Photography Affect You? We Tried to Find Out  Wired 


Sacred choral music touches on deep religious, moral and political questions Economist

Mongolian Heavy Metal Band Gets Millions Of YouTube Views   NPR

Star Spangled Banner sounds Russian when played in a minor key  (video)


How to Document Your Personal Possessions in Case of Emergency  LifeHacker  

What a Student Loan 'Bubble' Bursting Might Look Like  Vice


Humanity Has Managed to Change Places We’ve Barely Even Visited  Atlas Obscura 

5 New Year's resolutions that can help the environment in 2019  Mashable  


The growth of yoga and meditation in the US since 2012 is remarkable  Vox

The Dangerous Allure of Breech Birth at Home – and a Problematic New Paper  PLOS

Is It A Nasty Cold Or The Flu?  NPR  

2019 Health Trends  Axios

Artificial intelligence can detect Alzheimer’s in brain scans six years before a diagnosis  Fast Company 


Why It Makes Sense That Airlines Overbook (video)  Cheddar

State Department warns Americans traveling in China to use 'increased caution'  Politico


Cops grieve 'Krispy Kreme Doughnuts' lost in NYE truck fire: 'No words'  Fox News 

The Big Food Trends In 2019  Forbes 


The Relentlessness of Modern Parenting  New York Times

The art and science of parenting  The Economist  

Cultivating empathy in my children, from a neuroscience perspective  Washington Post


Gradually, nervously, courts are granting rights to animals  Economist  

How one boy has helped save over a thousand shelter dogs  NBC News 

Shelter volunteer's family secretly adopts her favorite dog  Stillwater News Press


Scientists Have 'Hacked Photosynthesis' In Search Of More Productive Crops  NPR

Space and time could be a quantum error-correcting code  Wired

The Year in Physics: The field of fundamental physics is experiencing both a period of confusion and an openness to new ideas  Quantam Magazine 


Can Alexa and Facebook predict the end of your relationship?  Vox  

 Your Ideal Therapist Might Not Be Human  Outside Online 

Psychologists reluctant to own up to research mistakes  Times Higher Ed  

Freud versus Jung: a bitter feud over the meaning of sex  Big Think 


What the subjects covered in high and medium impact factor journals in neuroscience tell us  Biorxiv

Exploring How Neuroscience Can Affect a Marketing Strategy  AdWeek


The Problem of Free Will (video)  Wireless Philosophy 

Philosopher Bertrand Russell’s Indispensable Advice on ‘How (Not) to Grow Old’   My Modern Met 

Wittgenstein and religion  Aeon


Best Productivity Apps for Mac  Software How 

12 expert tips to make 2019 your most productive year yet  Fast Company 


The quest to topple science-stymying academic paywalls  Wired  

A worrisome source of Research Bias: Researchers seeking to fund and publish their work, and advance their academic careers  New York Times 

Scams using fake reviews to facilitate publications  The Asian Journal of Andrology 

Amateurism still flourishing in scientific journals  BMJ 

The Costs of Reproducibility  Science Direct 

The methodological flaws that have roiled psychology were also lurking in sports science  FiveThirtyEight  

What to do when you read a paper and it’s full of errors and the author won’t share the data or be open about the analysis?  Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science 

Questionable authorship practices are endemic to biomedical research  Springer

The Double-bind Theory of Scholarly Publishing Scholarly Kitchen


No retraction for a Fifth of 200 publications with misconduct  Sage 

Citation of Retracted Articles in Engineering: A Study of the Web of Science Database  Taylor & Francis Online 


Overhauling Rules for Higher Ed Inside Higher Ed

Bennett College Needs To Raise $5 Million Or It May Lose Accreditation  NPR

Why does it feel good to see someone fail?  The Conversation 

Does It Matter Where You Go To College? The Answer: It Depends  NPR

Some Calif. community colleges skip free college because of required participation in federal loan program Inside Higher Ed 

That Video of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Dancing Actually Has a Lot to Do With Higher Ed Chronicle of Higher Ed

Christian College President Gets Impromptu Selfie with Newlyweds Justin and Hailey Bieber  CBN


Machine learning can offer new tools, fresh insights for the humanities  ArsTechnica 

What the Numbers Can Tell Us About Humanities Ph.D. Careers  Chronicle of Higher Ed


How One College Made Its Gen-Ed Program Feel More Relevant  Chronicle of Higher Ed

It's time to teach kids how to read charts  Quartz


Students at Notre Dame have launched a campaign that has inspired others around the country to ask their institutions to block explicit content  Inside Higher Ed

How Millennials Became The Burnout Generation  BuzzFeed News 

Teen vaping: Is it really a gateway to cigarette smoking?  Journalist’s Resources  


Marquette Law School professor suspended over student relationship  JS Online

 How 'Rule Makers, Rule Breakers' Might Explain the Academic / IT Divide  Inside Higher Ed