Articles of Interest - April 1


Facebook CEO calls for global regulation of harmful content on the internet in Washington Post op-ed  The Verge  

The New York Times takes a look at Tic Tok New York Times


On the Trail of the Robocall King  Wired  

5 Ways Your Phone Still Can't Beat Your Laptop  Gizmodo


Google Photos Will Now Automatically Detect Your Documents  Forbes

10 technologies that will impact higher education the most this year Tech Republic

Oculus founder Luckey: Rift S lenses won’t fit 30% of users  VentureBeat      


Mass satellite launches by SpaceX and OneWeb are a threat to the future of space  MIT Technology Review 

LAPD’s expensive, mostly-automated data-based policing hasn't produced worthwhile results according to watchdog group  TechDirtt 

US computer-science seniors outperform their university counterparts from China/India/Russia on coding, math, operating systems, software engineering, graphics, intelligent systems, security..  ZDnet


HTTPS Isn't Always As Secure As It Seems  Wired  

How Grindr became a national security issue  The Verge  

DEA never checked if its bulk surveillance data was legal Engaget

New Apple ecosystem marks step toward privatizing identity Axios


I'm Jad Abumrad, Founder and Co-Host of Radiolab, and This Is How I Work  Life Hacker


How to Be a Better Web Searcher: Secrets from Google Scientists  Scientific American    

Longing for an Internet Cleanse  New York Times 


Gmail will now let you interact with messages just like web pages right in your inbox  The Next Web 

Gmail for iOS finally gets handy customizable swipe actions  Digital Trends


The Power of Small Wins  Becoming (my blog)

'Love Your Enemies' ... And Maaaybe You'll Get Them To Agree With You NPR

Top takeaways from Yale's free online course on the psychology of happiness  Business Insider    


Olivia Jade Is Reportedly at Risk of Losing Her Beauty Trademarks Because of Her Bad Punctuation  Elle

The agony and ecstasy of grammar Teaching and learning it should be fascinating—and fun  Economist


Spoken-Word Poetry’s Dynamic Duo  The New Yorker

Writing a Nonfiction Book? Here’s Advice from a Pulitzer Prize Bestselling Author Global Investigative Journalism Network


Plagiarism detectors are a crutch, and a problem  Nature  

Among 239 retractions by authors from India over a period of more than 20 years, the most common reason was plagiarism  Scientometrics 

The Problem with Press Release Plagiarism Today


It’s April Fools’ Day. Here’s 2019′s updated, depressing and comprehensive list of pranks and hoaxes Washington Post

April Fools': A Running List Of Good, Bad And Terrible Corporate Gags Digg


As a woman with a wooden leg, Virginia Hall was an unlikely spy. That’s what made her so good Medium

Judge Strikes Down North Carolina School Uniform Skirt Requirement  BuzzFeed News


Study: Racial Bias in Police Traffic Stops and Searches (video)  Cheddar  

'Black Press Only!': Political meeting in Georgia turns away journalists based on race, reports say  USA Today

MacArthur Genius Recipient Jennifer Eberhardt Discusses Her New Book 'Biased'  NPR

13 professors who teach in its ethnicity, race and migration studies program say they'll walk if they don't get the resources and autonomy they've been promised Inside Higher Ed

Science knowledge varies by race and ethnicity in U.S.  Pew Research Center 


Beloit calls off talk by conservative speaker after students bang drums and pile chairs on stage to prevent him from starting Inside Higher Ed


European parliament votes for controversial copyright reform (yes, again)  Tech Crunch

Alabama Court: Publicity Rights over First Amendment In S-Town Lawsuit TechDirt

Japanese court rules against journalist in HPV vaccine defamation case  Science Mag 

Buzzfeed Beats a Libel Suit Hollywood Reporter  

Nevada Judge Says Online News Publications Aren't Protected By The State's Journalist Shield Law TechDirt

Meet the Lawyer Defending the Media Hollywood Reporter


I Broke Dumb Laws in Front of Police to See If They'd Arrest Me - VICE Video: Documentaries, Films, News Videos  Vice 

Ecuador legalized gangs. Murder rates plummeted  Vox  

Police Misconduct Records Show California Police Officer Busting Sober Drivers For DUI TechDirt


A Visual Map of the World's Major Religions (and Non-Religions)  Open Culture

A church in turmoil: Inside Harvest Bible Chapel's questionable financial moves and erratic leadership  Chicago Tribune  

'Jesus: His Life' review: History brings hybrid format to greatest story ever told  CNN

The Secret Jehovah’s Witness Database of Child Molesters   The Atlantic

Atlanta pastors await possible United Methodist Church split over LGBTQ rights  Reporter Newspaper

The countries with the 10 largest Christian populations and the 10 largest Muslim populations  Pew Research Center


Pope Francis: 'Those who build walls will become prisoners of the walls they put up'  CNN

The Trump era has exposed divisions among Catholics and evangelicals Economist  


Kenyan educator who gives most of his salary to students in need wins $1 million global teaching prize  BBC 


How to Improve iOS for Grandma  Medium 

Who should get the credit for AI art? CNN


DJs of the future don't spin records—they write code  Wired 

Band of wounded warriors healing through music  CBS News  

An algorithm just signed a major music deal  High Snobiety

‘Blurred Lines’ on Their Minds, Songwriters Create Nervously  New York Times


What If Google And Facebook Admitted That All This Ad Targeting Really Doesn't Work That Well?  Tech Dirt


AP Stylebook update: It’s OK to call something racist when it’s racist  Poynter

Why slow journalism and finishable news is (quickly) growing a following  Harvard’s Nieman Lab 

Do technology companies care about journalism?  Columbia Journalism Review

For Local News, Americans Embrace Digital but Still Want Strong Community Connection  Pew Research Center  

Alabama reaches new milestone in barriers to access  MuckRock  

Most Americans – especially Republicans – say local journalists shouldn’t express views on local issues  Pew Research Center 

TV News Anchors Try Teen Slang; Leave Viewers Cringing  Washington Post  


Americans Don't Know Local Newspapers Are Dying  The Atlantic

After the death of alt-weeklies, alt-alt-weeklies  Columbia Journalism Review 

Knight Foundation Makes $6 Million Investment In 3 Organizations Media Post


How Alex Jones and Infowars Helped a Florida Man Stalk Sandy Hook Families  New York Times

All those annoying April Fool’s pranks you’ll see Monday might help researchers better detect fake news  Harvard’s Nieman Lab


This is the easiest way to make your LinkedIn profile stand out  Fast Company

ProPublica Is Again Expanding Its Local Reporting Network: Apply for a Spot  ProPublica

Apple is hiring writing and editorial teams to make Siri more "fun" and "witty"  Thinkum


Freelancers to write about the latest sneaker trends and releases  Elite Daily

Sobriety story pitches  The Temper 

Freelance writing pitches  Novelty Media 

Pitches on "climate change, extinction, food choices, and whether cats are really hell-demons"  The Nib 

Freelance pitches for upcoming issues  Edible Queens


Federal grant will bolster sexual assault prevention at five local college campuses  The San Diego Union-Tribune


The US Is Holding Hundreds Of Shivering Immigrants In A Pen Underneath A Texas Bridge  BuzzFeed News 

Facebook announces a long-overdue transparency tool for News Feed  The Next Web  


Why Startups Fall Apart at 50 Employees  Medium 

Where in The U.S. Are You Most Likely to Be Audited by the IRS?  Propublica

How Brands Can Build Successful Relationships with Influencers  Harvard Business Review 


Who keeps buying California's scarce water? Saudi Arabia  The Guardian

The Hidden Air Pollution in Our Homes  The New Yorker

The recycling crisis  The Week


At 71 she's never felt pain or anxiety - now scientists know why  New York Times

Viral Photo Shows How Much Bacteria Is on 8-Year-Old’s Hand  Fatherly

News stories about the flu shot spawn debates about vaccines in general  Journalists Resource  

Hospital using drones to fly blood samples between buildings  Associated Press


NASA research found the perfect length for a power nap  Business Insider

What Makes a Healthy Community?  US News 


Toddlers engage more with print books than tablets: Study  ABC News

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Daughter Calls Out Mom for Posting Selfie Without Consent  Fatherly

Why Don't You Want Kids?   Wired

How to help a kid write a college admissions essay without cheating  Chicago SunTimes

Online preschool programs A ‘shockingly bad’ idea (opinion)  Washington Post  


Seattle rated the worst city for singles  Seattle Times 

How one woman improved her relationship by paying attention to her partner's 'bids' to connect  NBC News 

Women With a Twin Brother Are More Likely to Face Penalties at School and  Work  New York Times


Video of father and son killing bear, cubs released in Alaska  USA Today

50 Fascinating Facts About Cats  Mental Floss 


How to read the news like a scientist  TED  

Is it the end of ‘statistical significance’? The battle to make science more uncertain  The Conversation


Deep Brain Stimulation where implant delivers some pulses of electricity to the brain  NPR 

Behold an Anatomically Correct Replica of the Human Brain, Knitted by a Psychiatrist  Open Culture

The Challenge of Going Off Psychiatric Drugs  The New Yorker

Acceptance and commitment therapy teaches us how to live a values-driven life even in the face of dark emotions and trauma Aeon

High-strength cannabis increases risk of mental health problems  The Guardian


Old brains make neurons, possibly protecting against Alzheimer's   STAT

The Brain-Computer Interface Is Coming  Psychology Today 

How the Brain Links Gestures, Perception and Meaning  Quanta Magazine 


Does Democracy Demand the Tolerance of the Intolerant? Karl Popper’s Paradox  Open Culture


Do Ethicists Behave Better Than the Rest of Us?: New Research Answers the Question  Open Culture  

Many professions have codes of ethics - so why not politics?  The Conversation 


Publishing research in high-impact factor journals 'poisons hiring and funding decisions' says eLife boss  Cambridge Independent 

Trends in the Use of Common Words and Patient-Centric Language in the Titles of Medical Journals, 1976-2015  JAMA Network Open 

Nature editor: researchers should be forced to make data public  Times Higher Education


Academic publishing is in ‘crisis’ and must be put on a more sustainable and open footing   ResearchResearch 

Plagiarism and Data Falsification are the Most Common Reasons for Retracted Publications in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Figure errors, sloppy science, and fraud: keeping eyes on your data  Journal of Clinical Investigation

Meet the data detective who checks the images in all submitted manuscripts  EMBO


NIH may bar peer reviewers accused of sexual harassment  Science Mag

Technological Support for Peer Review Innovations  Scholarly Kitchen


To survive, small colleges are rethinking the liberal arts Education Dive

UVM cites decline in humanities enrollment for faculty cuts  WCAX-TV  

Making a case for liberal arts  Virginia Business 

Debunking common misconceptions about liberal arts degrees  Study International


Liberty University scrutinized over fuel contract with Pentagon  The Hill

Small Methodist institution in Tennessee announces it would shut down  Inside Higher Ed

Oklahoma Christian University asks for forgiveness from former students, arrested and expelled on racially tinged charges  Christian Chronicle 


 4 Lessons From Moving a Face-to-Face Course Online  Chronicle of Higher Ed 


 A letter from a Notre Dame mother, urging women to not wear the gym attire in lieu of pants, prompts backlash and debate  Inside Higher Ed 


Tufts University recently expelled a student for allegedly hacking grades, but did the university make the right call? Inside Higher Ed

12 Industries Experts Say Millennials Are Killing — And Why They’re Wrong  CBI Insights 

The 10 Best Cities for Millennials in 2019 (Plus the 10 Worst)  Mental Floss


This Is How You Kill a Profession (opinion)  Chronicle of Higher Ed

South Korean professor forced students to write her daughter’s thesis paper  AFP 

Former U. of Oklahoma Dean Sues President, Provost, and University for Bias and Free-Speech Violation  Chronicle of Higher Ed 

Racist writing instructor's Listserv post prompts debate about the future of the field and how scholars communicate with one another  Inside Higher Ed