Articles of interest about higher ed - August 4


We Still Don't Know All the Long-Term Consequences of 'Mild' COVID

Do some people have protection against the coronavirus?

Nobody Accurately Tracks Health Care Workers Lost to COVID-19. So She Stays Up At Night Cataloging the Dead.

Here’s what early COVID-19 symptoms may tell you about how sick you’re going to get

Does coronavirus linger in the body?

Can My Boss Make Me Promise I Don’t Have Covid-19 Symptoms?


More Than 6,600 Coronavirus Cases Have Been Linked to U.S. Colleges 

Virginia Tech mandates COVID-19 tests for on-campus students, stays mum on athletes

Coronavirus outbreak at USC’s fraternity row leaves at least 40 people infected

Colleges Are Forgetting the People Who Make Them Run


Covid Tests and Quarantines: Colleges Brace for an Uncertain Fall ($)

Students asked to sign liability waivers to return to campus

Students can safely return to college if tested for coronavirus every two days, study says ($)

Colleges reverse decisions to open in person

'The virus beat us': Colleges are increasingly going online for fall 2020 semester as COVID-19 cases rise


Unity College Permanently Eliminates Two-Semester Campus Model in Favor of Hybrid Approach

More Colleges Revise Fall Plans. Among The Latest: American University, Penn, William And Mary, And Ohio University

Before Returning To Campus, St. Xavier Faculty Must ‘Sign Here’ And Accept COVID-19 Risks

Georgetown University: First-year students not allowed on campus, online classes only this fall

What a return to class could look like at the University of North Georgia

University of San Diego drops plans to offer classes on campus this fall 


CNN's Bob Costas: 'Unconscionable' for unpaid college football players to play during pandemic


Who Is Ruining Our Universities? Administrators!!

University of Arizona acquires Ashford University

College football tailgates, frat parties are 'major risk factors' for COVID-19 spread this fall, experts warn


As the pandemic upends higher education, is residential college worth the cost?


Utah State University sued over expulsion of student with Down syndrome

With petitions and lawsuits, some students demand lower tuition for online instruction

Judge: Lawsuit against U-M for switching to online classes can continue 

Family of Teen Who Died at WSU Fraternity Files Lawsuit


Coronavirus: Remote learning turns kids into zombies because we're doing it all wrong


Using Online Cheating as a Teachable Moment for Students and Educators 


UNC Chapel Hill faculty to students: stay home

Auburn lecturer’s anti-cop tweets ‘inexcusable’ as university ‘continues to assess’ his future

Political science professor disciplined for refusing diversity training


Point Loma Nazarene University drops plans for in-person classes, will stay online

Former University of Lynchburg students call on school to cut ties with Liberty University, remove Falwell name from dorm terrace


Reflections on bad research, scientism, the importance of description, and the challenge of negativity 

It Takes Great Discipline to Read a Scientific Paper – and Even More to Write One

Will COVID-19 mark the end of scientific publishing as we know it?

Why Professors Are Writing Crap That Nobody Reads (opinion)

Researchers, peer reviewers, and editors should take action to flatten the curve of secondary articles

Paper called “unscholarly, overtly racist” earns an editor’s note

Self-promotion Journals


How to Go to College During a Pandemic

Colleges Lease Hotel Rooms for Students 

How College Students Are Using Social Media to Expose Racism 

Members Of The Class Of 2020 Face A Brutal Job Market

Arizona parents asked to sign COVID-19 waivers before sending kids back to school


University of Minnesota changes how it handles campus sexual misconduct complaints

University of Michigan's provost was “serial harasser”


UB removes Millard Fillmore, other names from campus

The Fabric is Torn in Oxford’: Ole Miss Officials Decried Racism Publicly, Coddled it Privately

Former Palomar College president alleged race, gender discrimination in complaint