10 Specific Predictions about AI

Attackers (will) use artificial intelligence to write software that can break into corporate networks in novel ways, change appearance and functionality to beat detection, and smuggle data back out through processes that appear normal. Washington Post

Actor Tom Hanks believes he will be starring in new film roles long after his death, as he speculated on the possibility that his likeness could be captured by AI. Forbes

Any site that depends on contributions from the public — text messages, product reviews, photo or video uploads — is preparing to be swamped with AI-generated input that will make finding signal in the noise even harder for human users. Axios

Robots presented at an AI forum said they expected to increase in number and help solve global problems, and would not steal humans' jobs or rebel against us. Reuters

While much of the media attention has been on large language models, the field of causal AI has gotten comparatively little. If causal reasoning is combined with large language models, it could have a major impact on humanity. Semafor 

In a way, I’m agnostic to that question of “do we need more breakthroughs or will existing systems just scale all the way?” My view is it’s an empirical question, and one should push both as hard as possible. And then the results will speak for themselves. (DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis) The Verge

Artificial intelligences that are trained using text and images from other AIs, which have themselves been trained on AI outputs, could eventually become functionally useless. New Scientist

One need not even know how to program to construct attack software. “You will be able to say, ‘just tell me how to break into a system,’ and it will say, ‘here’s 10 paths in’,” said Robert Hansen, who has explored AI as deputy chief technology officer at security firm Tenable. “They are just going to get in. It’ll be a very different world.” Washington Post

Fifty-six percent of respondents (in a recent survey) think ‘people will develop emotional relationships with AI’ and 35 percent of people said they’d be open to doing so if they were lonely. The Verge 

In 2019, Christian Szegedy, a computer scientist formerly at Google and now at a start-up in the Bay Area, predicted that a computer system would match or exceed the problem-solving ability of the best human mathematicians within a decade. Last year he revised the target date to 2026. New York Times