11 Interesting Quotes about AI & Academic Research

Our findings suggest that AI tools are not yet ready to take on the task of editing academic papers without extensive human intervention to generate useful prompts, evaluate the output, and manage the practicalities. - Science Editor

If AI-generated papers flood the scientific literature, future AI systems may be trained on AI output and undergo model collapse. This means they may become increasingly ineffectual at innovating. - The Conversation

In a set of 300 fake and real scientific papers, the AI-based tool, named 'xFakeSci', detected up to 94 per cent of the fake ones. - Deccan Herald

People will say, I have 100 ideas that I don’t have time for. Get the AI Scientist to do those. - Nature

There are signs that AI evaluations of academic papers could be corrupting the integrity of knowledge production. Up to 17 percent of reviews submitted to prestigious AI conferences in the last year were substantially written by large language models (LLMs), a recent study estimated. - Chronicle of Higher Ed

Google just created a version of its search engine free of all the extra junk it has added over the past decade-plus. All you have to do is add udm=14 to the search URL. - Tedium

It’s possible to switch back to an AI-free search experience. Google has added a new Web tab to its search engine page at the same time as introducing these new AI features. You can configure this kind of web search as the default. - PopSci

In a 2023 Nature survey of more than 1,600 scientists, almost 30% said that they had used generative AI tools to help write (academic) manuscripts. - Nature

The highest-profile research is heavily influenced by cultural forces and career incentives that are not necessarily aligned with the dispassionate pursuit of truth. To get your research published in high-impact journals it helps enormously not to challenge the predominant narrative. Scientific narratives can become entrenched and self-reinforcing. And that’s where we are in climate science. - Chronicle of Higher Ed

How big is science’s fake-paper problem? An unpublished analysis shared with Nature suggests that over the past two decades, more than 400,000 research articles have been published that show strong textual similarities to known studies produced by paper mills. - Nature

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the country's top science institute, on Tuesday published new guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in scientific research, as part of its efforts to improve scientific integrity and reduce research misconduct, such as data fabrication and plagiarism. - Global Times