Advice for graduating students while sheltering in place

Graduating college students are asking what they should be doing while sheltering in place.

Ask yourself: Am I keeping myself physically, psychologically, and spiritually healthy? If the answer is ‘no’ then stop looking for new ways to feel guilty and allow yourself breathe. Give time to self-care. Don’t pile more on top of yourself when you are already sliding backward. Secondly, are there members of your family in need of support? Make that your next priority. 

If those areas are in good shape, below are some steps I would consider right now for the best career launch when the cloud lifts, and you can move forward. Take them with a grain of salt; Avoid comparing yourself to others and ask what is reasonable for you to do given your time and situation. Think of this as a “choose your adventure” exercise. Set attainable goals for a sense of control in a moment of change.

1. Update your resume: No mistakes, and it must be easy to scan. Have you included your social media? You know every employer will check your social media and Google you, right? You should do that. You’ll find more specific resume recommendations here.

2. Speaking of social: Give yourself a social media makeover. Look for inappropriate or unfocused tweets, posts, and Instagram stories, then reconsider your privacy settings, clearly define your audience, etc. I’ll send you a list of a dozen ways to give yourself a fresh look if you email me.  Don’t forget LinkedIn (if your industry uses it). 

3. Reverse engineer your career: Look up jobs that interest you and see what’s missing from your resume or needs shoring up. What can you do now, or when things open up again? Make a list. Perhaps get up to speed on a professional program like Excel, InDesign, or Premiere Pro.

4. Gather all your supporting materials now, so you aren’t scrambling when a prospective employee asks for various kinds of writing samples. Do you have recommendation letters, head shots, thank you notes, etc.?  (You don’t send thank you notes? It’s an easy way to set yourself apart. Plus, it’s a nice thing to do).

5. Work on your elevator pitch—that is, create a compelling speech about your entire professional life that lasts no more than 15 seconds. Pick up some ideas about this personal branding exercise here. Try your pitch on others for feedback. 

6. Create a list of job sites you will visit once a week. Start with Indeed and look for lists (often in social media) produced by groups dedicated to your industry. FYI: Your first job or two is not a lifelong commitment. Your path is likely to be circuitous. Aim at moving in the right general direction rather getting there in one big leap.

7. Create Google alerts to bring you articles from Google News related to your industry by using keywords. Stay on top of the trends and barriers it faces.  Pro tip: Set a Google alert on your own name so you’ll know when someone has posted something about you online.

8. Try some mock interviews with whoever you are staying with—they’ve probably had a few interviews themselves, or else they can grab some typical questions off the internet to throw at you. Better yet Zoom it because your next job interview is likely to be a video conference.

9. Are there contests offered right now by professional organizations in your field for which you could submit entries?

10. Be ready to answer in a job interview, “What new skills did you acquire during self-quarantine?” Here are some great options: Coursera Makes Courses & Certificates Free During Coronavirus Quarantine

11. Develop more life skills. If you haven’t already done so, put effort into learning to cook, doing your own laundry, etc. Try Googling, “What college students should be able to do on their own.”

12. Educate yourself on your student loans. When are you supposed to start paying it off? Do You have deferral options? 

13. Cut costs and budget. Where can you stop spending? If you don’t have a budget, make one—even if it is just a projected one. Know where your money is going. How much money can you spend on job hunting?

14. Work on a political campaign. There’s an election in November, and there is probably an issue(s) about which you care deeply. See if you can get hired using your college-trained skills or volunteer. You’ll feel like you are making a difference while adding a line to your resume. 

15. Read a few of the dozens of articles about job hunting on my site Goforth Job Tips. Mine them for tips that apply to this unique situation. Start with the career advice articles and move on to those about resumes and interviews.  Regularly search for recent articles on the subject.

16. You’ll find a list of hundreds of “tech toolshere. Learn a few digital tricks to set yourself apart. Play around. See what’s out there that can make your life easier. A place to start: Pick a platform (like Wix) to put up a website that will house projects you’ve completed showing what you can do.

17. While you are building a website, buy your own domain name. Mine is It’s easy to do at places like GoDaddy.

18. Pick up some books (online or physical) and listen to some podcasts that either distract you for a few moments and fire your imagination or else educate you about your chosen field. Pro tip: connect with someone who does some hiring in your industry and ask for reading/listening recommendations. 

19.  Contact professionals for advice on what you should be doing. Don’t ask for a job—ask them to have a cup of coffee with you (by video conference, of course) and then ask questions and listen. Ask your professors who they would recommend you seek out—then ask the same question each time you finish having coffee with a pro.  

Finally, don’t try to take on everything at once. Focus on what you can do today; just that one step in front of you.