Recent data science articles - May 2021

The DOD’s looming AI winter

Deepfake maps created by image-manipulation tools (made possible by artificial intelligence) could really mess with your sense of the world 

Cases of fake research co-authorship have been mounting especially in papers about AI. How can we identify papers that have been written by relatively unsophisticated algorithms and don’t produce any sensible content? 

Location spoofing isn't just advanced photoshopping—it's making data look uncannily realistic--deepfake geography is a growing problem

Can we teach AI how to code? Probably not anytime soon. But IBM’s Project CodeNet just dropped a 14-million-sample dataset to develop machine learning models which should make developers more productive

DARPA helped make a sarcasm detector, because of course it did

Our understanding may be inseparable from our experience. If true, then "our physical embodiment may be difficult if not impossible to capture in symbolic processing systems"

"Despite all their remarkable progress, (AI) systems remain brittle  

Is the Pentagon being pulled into the AI hype machine? Some military experts think so  

Types of statistics papers (cartoon)

MIT researchers create a system that automatically cleans “dirty data”

Comparing the two big data frameworks: Hadoop vs. Spark

Conflating geospatial data at scale: A better, faster method of achieving mission objectives

Russia is testing new anti-GPS satellite technology as global political tensions run the risk of escalating into attacks on satellite infrastructure

When can a predictive model improve by anticipating behavioral reactions to its predictions? 

Running python scripts as fast as C using PyPy

Data Science articles from April 2021