Data Science articles from July 2021

Honing your machine learning and pattern recognition skills with a simple regression problem 

Once a useful number becomes a measure of success, it ceases to be a useful number

Goodhart’s law haunts artificial-intelligence design: just how do you communicate an objective to your algorithm when the only language you have in common is numbers?

The Pentagon has created a team of hackers to test military AI by probing pretrained models for weaknesses. Another cybersecurity team will review AI code and data for hidden vulnerabilities

Around 90% of machine learning models never make it into production—here’s why

The directional superpower of birds might be based on quantum physics—and new research suggests  idea of a quantum “compass” seem even more likely

Precise measurements of the position of a levitating nanosphere have been used to provide quantum control forces that damp the nanosphere’s motion — potentially opening the way to quantum control of larger objects

DARPA exploring benchmarking possibilities to help quantum computing development move forward

How to tell if you have trained your model with enough data

New functionality in the base R language, in key R packages and in the RStudio IDE have made it easier for native R programmers removing some headaches and aligning better with other programming languages  

GitHub’s new utilitarian time saver tool uses AI to craft code. Some developers are happy about Copilot —others are furious  

How a 70s teacher invented C, the hugely influential coding language

In the midst of a “data deluge” companies are moving data’s center of gravity is “shifting away from the data warehouse and analytics databases, and toward a networked ecosystem of data streams and the edge.”

We’re Facing a Fake Science Crisis, and AI Is Making It Worse

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